Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

Top 10 Mistakes of Security Officers in Protecting Remote Workplaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizations to temporarily transition to remote work environments. Two years have passed, but the remote work trend is still with us, with over 75% of people worldwide working remotely at least once a week. As telecommuting concerns more cybersecurity experts around the world, some security officers still make drastic mistakes in configuring and managing remote environments.

Rethinking IAM: What Continuous Authentication Is and How It Works

Multiple reports show that people don’t take the necessity to pick secure passwords for their login credentials and personal devices seriously enough. According to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, 80% of incidents resulting from hacking attacks involved weak and compromised passwords. These findings make us wonder whether confirming a user’s identity just once at login is enough. Should this be a repeated procedure?

Tanium Converge - Labs - Insider Threat

Tanium Tech Talks host Ashley McGlone spoke with attendees of Converge for highlights of the technical track: capture the flag (CTF), labs, and certifications. In this series you will get a feel for what it is like to attend in person and the many resources available during (and after) the event. Tanium Converge took place in Austin, Texas November 13-17, 2022.