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September 2021

What The Worst Attacks Of 2021 Can Teach Us On The Future Of Ransomware

Despite the steady drumbeat of hacks that are reported on a nearly weekly basis, it is safe to say that cybersecurity is still far from a “top of mind issue” for most people. Massive data breaches like Equifax, Marriott, and many, many more are chalked up to being yet another part of the modern life. While each of those cybersecurity incidents was quite serious in its own right, for the public whose data were compromised, they represented more of an inconvenience than a serious concern.

7 Best Practices to Prevent Data Theft by Departing Employees

Departing employees are a source of insider threats that often get overlooked. According to a study by Biscom, one in four departing employees steal data when leaving. Whether they do so out of negligence or with malicious intent, such cases can only have negative outcomes for organizations, from losing their competitive advantage to facing penalties for non-compliance with cybersecurity requirements.

How to Deploy CurrentWare for Offsite Devices - Remote Employee Monitoring Software

Want to monitor and secure employees who work from home? With CurrentWare’s remote employee monitoring and cybersecurity software, you can improve employee productivity, data security, and business intelligence with advanced awareness and control over how technology is used in your organization.

Splunk and DTEX Systems Leverage Human Telemetry and Zero Trust to Mitigate Insider Risks and Account Compromise

What was once the thing of spy movies and industrial espionage news headlines is now, sadly, a common occurrence for public organizations and private enterprises around the globe. Insiders… employees, consultants, partners… have emerged as one of the most immediate and serious threats facing IT and cyber security teams and practitioners today. It is not however because every insider has turned malicious.

New Trends With Ransomware - Fall 2021

Ransomware has become an annual event for many organizations, costing them millions in lost productivity and revenue. While there have been some notable successes in fighting off this threat, the industry as a whole must continue strengthening its resolve in order to safeguard against future attacks. Part of this can come down to recognizing the role that users and employees play in fighting off these attacks and providing them with info and tools they need to help reduce risks.

5 Stats On The Costs Of Data Loss EVERY Business Owner Needs To Know

A major data loss event is one of the most detrimental things that can happen to a business. They’re not only costly, the side effects of such an incident are felt long after the loss occurs. Some businesses never recover and ones that do are left dealing with the consequences for years.

Opportunistic Attackers: Who Are They and How Can You Deter Them?

When presented with an opportunity, people who never even planned to attack your organization may turn into a severe cybersecurity threat. Forget to block a dismissed employee from accessing your system and they may steal or alter your critical data. Grant a third-party contractor excessive access to your infrastructure and they may cause a serious data breach. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure you don’t give insiders an opportunity to turn malicious.

7 Steps to Reducing the Risk of Insider Threats While Offboarding an Employee

There’s a certain type of data loss that presents a unique challenge to the HR department- INSIDER THREATS. Although it accounts for a small percentage of total data breaches, the damage done by an insider is far more detrimental to your business. Follow some or all of the steps listed to combat the exodus of company data that too often happens when employees end their time with a company.