Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2020

Law Firm Data Security Compliance: Protecting the Confidentiality Of Personal Data

Lawyers constantly handle sensitive data that attracts hackers and malicious insiders. Every security breach leads to reputational losses, remediation costs, and penalties. That’s why cybersecurity at law firms is regulated by strict IT laws and requirements. Complying with all necessary requirements and implementing protection measures that fit your organization is challenging.

Easy Ways to Boost Employee Productivity Remotely

Employee monitoring and productivity tracking features valuable insights into your teams’ performance levels throughout the day. If your office has been recently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you might also be transitioning into a more remote-friendly workplace environment. How do you make sure your employees are staying productive? Can you accurately measure an increase or decrease in your team’s overall productivity?

Cybersecurity Breaches Caused by Insiders: Types, Consequences, and Ways to Prevent Them

Security incidents are often hard to detect and tend to go unnoticed for far too long. They’re also time-consuming to investigate, since gathering evidence and correlating facts may take months or even years. For instance, the graphic design website Canva became aware of the theft of user credentials for almost a million accounts only seven months after the actual incident. That’s why it’s better to put your effort into preventing incidents rather than handling their consequences.

Bringing UEBA & Zero Trust Together Making Remote Work Safer

2020 is likely to go down in history as the year of two pandemics, COVID-19 and cybercrime. Certain types of cybersecurity threats have massively intensified this year. For example, the malware NetWiredRC saw a 200% spike in detection rates in March 2020. COVID-19 has caused a sudden shift to remote working. More employees are now working from their homes than ever before. Remote work en masse exposes organizations to increased levels of threats.

Track Employees' Online Activity With Computer Monitoring Software

With so many employees worldwide working from home, can you be certain they are actually working productively? Is some of their time working from home being spent on social media, looking for other jobs, or taking care of their children? To maintain high performance and productivity, it’s important to keep an eye on your employees’ online activity with Veriato’s computer monitoring software.