Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2023

Ekran System Partners with Hideez to Introduce Enhanced Authentication Functionality

Ekran System is partnering with Hideez to enhance the authentication process and improve user experience. As an alternative to two-factor authentication, our customers can now use a straightforward passwordless authentication method developed by Hideez. Thanks to this integration, you can streamline and consolidate logins for local desktops, remote desktop connections, virtual environments, and cloud infrastructures, while boosting your team’s efficiency and satisfaction.

Third-Party Security Risks: How to Mitigate Potential Cybersecurity Threats

Cooperation is the key to success, so working with third parties helps your organization increase efficiency, offer better products and services, employ highly qualified experts, and cut costs. But all these benefits come at the price of additional cybersecurity risks. Minor flaws in your third-party vendor’s security and privacy routines may lead to a breach in your organization’s cybersecurity.

USB Access Codes, Security Enhancements, and More! (v9.0.1)

CurrentWare version 9.0.1 is here! This update brings a streamlined Access Code Generator process for AccessPatrol, Bulk URL Reclassification for BrowseReporter and BrowseControl, and new security and quality-of-life updates to the CurrentWare Suite. As always, we recommend keeping your CurrentWare deployment up-to-date to take advantage of the latest functionality, stability, and security developments.

Data Anonymization: What It Is and 6 Best Practices You Should Know

Despite diverse protection measures applied by organizations, data breaches involving Personally Identifiable Information (PII) still cause substantial financial losses across various industries. Between March 2022 and March 2023, compromised customer and employee PII cost organizations $183 and $181 per record, respectively, according to the 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM Security.