Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Why Ransomware is Not Just a Technical or Insider Risk Problem

In this video, we explore why ransomware is not just a technical or insider risk problem, but a larger issue with how we approach technology and economic factors. With multiple parties involved, it is difficult to get a handle on this prevalent issue. However, we discuss what organizations can do preemptively to protect themselves and have a stronger negotiation position against ransomware actors.

The Biggest Cloud Security Challenges in 2023 and How to Avoid Them

With the rapid growth of cloud technology, it is no surprise that security has become a major concern for organizations. Cloud computing provides numerous advantages in terms of cost savings and scalability, but these benefits come with risks. As businesses move to the cloud, they must be aware of the potential security threats and take appropriate steps to protect their data and systems from malicious actors.

Top 5 Inadvertent Mistakes of Privileged Users and How to Prevent Them

Your organization most likely has privileged users — employees, subcontractors, and even customers who are authorized to access critical applications and sensitive data. But those elevated access rights make an organization vulnerable. If a privileged user makes a mistake or an attacker gets access to a privileged account, your most valuable data is at risk.

5 Data Center Security Threats Businesses Must be Aware of in 2023

As reported by CIOSEA News, global cyber attacks saw an increase by 38 percent in 2022. This is in comparison to the percentage of such attacks seen in 2021. It's an alarming situation, one that clearly shows that cyber security threats are constantly growing. In some countries, cyber attacks were more severe and greater in number than in others. DIGIT News reported that the UK saw a 77 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2022. These are astounding figures, and they all point to how dangerous cyberspace has become.