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9 Ways Cyber Attackers are Looking to Exploit Government Agencies in 2023

Governments play a key role in the continued operation of society. While getting a speeding ticket or paying taxes may not be anyone’s favorite thing to do, they contribute to the government’s ability to protect its citizens while maintaining its infrastructure and services. Cybersecurity is critical for all organizations and government agencies, as they may hold sensitive information on both individuals, as well as key infrastructure.

The 10 Most Common Website Security Attacks (and How to Protect Yourself)

They’re far from old news: despite the hype about “increasingly sophisticated, automated attacks,” these 10 tried-and-true website security attacks are still top of the list for career malicious hackers. No one likes to work harder than they have to, and black hats are no different. Why repel from the ceiling when you could just try the front door?

How Executives Can Stay Safe From Cyberattacks

The C-Suite and other senior executives are frequently the targets of cyberattacks. As the most visible members of an organization, executives have access to sensitive information, influence inside the organization and a public platform, making them valuable targets for cybercriminals. Organizations of all sizes need to actively reduce risk for senior management.

Lessons Learned From a Year of Russo-Ukrainian Cyberwar

February 24, 2023 marks one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, starting a conflict that has killed more than 8,000, injured more than 13,300, and displaced more than 14 million people in the past year, according to the UN. Physical warfare between Ukraine and Russia has been accompanied by cyberwarfare between the two countries. This blog post focuses on cyberwar, particularly what we can learn from the past year.

Russia-Ukraine CyberWar: One Year Later

One year ago today, Russia launched a massive combined arms ground, air, and sea assault against Ukraine, including a large cyber component designed to sow confusion among Ukrainian authorities. At the first anniversary, the initial takeaway is the role played by cyber has not been as prominent as predicted for what has turned into the largest European land war since 1945. Russia and Ukraine are still actively using their cyber troops to conduct a variety of attacks against their foe.

What is Slowloris DDoS Attack and How Does it Work?

Slowloris is a type of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack that exploits web servers to handle incoming connections. In a Slowloris attack, the attacker sends many HTTP requests to the target web server, but unlike a regular DDoS attack, the requests are sent slowly over a long period of time. The attack sends incomplete HTTP requests to keep the connections open for as long as possible. The attacker then mimics this pattern by sending many incomplete requests to the server.

How social engineering attacks work (with examples)

Social engineering cyberattacks play on the mind, manipulating emotions and engaging in deception to get victims to give up passwords, financial data, and other valuable information. According to Verizon's 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), eight in 10 data breaches (82%) involve a human element. Alongside breaches caused by human error and malicious actions, this statistic also includes social engineering attacks.