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April 2021

Why Your Brand Protection Relies on Threat Intelligence?

Your brand is the image your customers have of your business; this is precisely what makes your brand into such a valuable asset. It’s no surprise that brand presence is increasingly shifting into the digital realm. And while digital transformation brings with it a whole new world of possibilities, the digitization of the brand also introduces new risks.

Cloud Threats Memo: Beware Outsourced Cyber Attacks and Compromised Credentials

The trove of 1.3 million RDP credentials leaked recently is yet again proof that, In the underground economy, initial access brokerage is a flourishing market. Cybercriminals are outsourcing the initial access stage of the attack, so they can better focus on the execution and act more quickly.

The Winds of Change - What SolarWinds Teaches Us

In December 2020, the world discovered that the SolarWinds’ Orion Platform had been compromised by cybercriminals, potentially affecting thousands of businesses the world over. Security groups such as the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provided advice and guidance to security teams and IT companies on what actions they should take to minimize the impact on them and their customers.

The rise and fall of the Emotet botnet

A botnet is a network of hijacked computers and devices infected with malware and controlled remotely by cybercriminals. This network is then used to send spam and launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. It can also be rented out to other cybercriminals. The Emotet botnet has been a thorn in the side of security teams for many years and has infected hundreds of thousands of devices since 2014.

What is Social Engineering? Examples and 12 Prevention tips

Social Engineering, in the context of cybersecurity, is the use of deception to convince individuals into relinquishing their personal information online. This information is then exploited in cyberattacks. Most social engineering campaigns target employees because they could be manipulated into gateways to an organization’s sensitive data. The success of these campaigns relies on a lack of cybersecurity awareness training in the workplace.

White House launches plan to protect US critical infrastructure against cyber attacks

The White House is reportedly moving swiftly forward with a plan to harden the security of the US power grid against hacking attacks. According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration has a plan to dramatically improve how power utilities defend themselves against attacks from countries considered to be adversaries in cyberspace – such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.

Automatically Assess and Remediate the SolarWinds Hack

With software supply chain attacks on the rise, are you wondering how you can recover quickly from the recent SolarWinds breach at your company? Months after its discovery, the devastating SolarWinds hack remains a top concern for business, government and IT leaders. This destructive supply chain attack put the spotlight on software development security — a critical issue for the DevOps community.

Use AI to fight AI-powered cyber-attacks

Cyber-attacks are commonly viewed as one of the most severe risks to worldwide security. Cyber-attacks are not the same as they were five years back in aspects of availability and efficiency. Improved technology and more efficient offensive techniques provide the opportunity for cybercriminals to initiate attacks on a vast scale with a higher effect. Intruders employ new methods and launch more comprehensive strategies based on AI to compromise systems.

Don't be the weak link in your customers' supply chain security

To solve the supply chain security dilemma, producers must get back to security basics. Get best practices for securing your supply chain. Nobody wants to be known as the weak link in the chain—any chain. But too many organizations are at risk of being just that in the digital supply chain because they haven’t made the cyber security of their products a priority. The most recent evidence of that is the SolarWinds/Orion cyber attack that impacted more than 18,000 organizations.