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December 2021

What is Domain Hijacking? Tips to Protect yourself

Domain hijacking is the act of domain name theft. It can happen to individuals or organisations and it’s increasing in frequency. The name may be hijacked by someone else who passes themselves off as you, tricks your domain registrar into transferring your domain to them, or hacks into your account (sometimes through phishing) and transfers it themselves.

Cybersecurity Architecture: A Complete Guide to Preparing Your Organization for a Cyberattack

What is cybersecurity architecture? Is your company's cybersecurity architecture prepared for the future? This video will give you everything you need to know about how to prepare your organisation and make sure it is ready for any threats in the years ahead. Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

What is Ransomware?-How to Prevent, Remove, and Respond to Attacks

The success of a modern business is heavily reliant on the network of which its computers and employees operate. With many risks looming online, a secured operating system and network are critical for most businesses to perform to their full ability. One of the most prolific threats to modern business is ransomware.

Top 4 Malicious Domain Incidents of 2021

Cybercriminals are increasingly using malicious domains as an attack vector. Our Internet Security Report Q1 2021 already detected a 281% increase in the number of domains blocked by DNSWatch over the previous quarter, and there has been significant activity in the past year with such links exploiting the interest in COVID-19.

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Cybersecurity Predictions To Help Your Business Stay Safe

Cyberattacks are not a recent phenomenon, but their risk is growing. 2021 has proven that these hacks are occurring more frequently and that even the most sophisticated organisations can be threatened. The reality is that these cyberattacks will continue to be an enormous threat in 2022. Below, we have collated predictions from top cybersecurity executives on how to navigate these new challenges and ensure that your business stays safe in 2022.

What are Indicators of Attack (IOAs)? How they Differ from IOCs

Indicators of Attack (IOAs) demonstrate the intentions behind a cyberattack and the techniques used by the threat actor to accomplish their objectives. The specific cyber threats arming the attack, like malware, ransomware, or advanced threats, are of little concern when analyzing IOAs. Instead, only the sequence of events leading to the deployment of a cyber threat are considered in this cybersecurity strategy.

What is an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)?

An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a cyberattack campaign where a threat actor establishes a long-term presence inside a breached network to continuously steal sensitive data. In order to evade detection throughout the entire APT attack life cycle (which could last for many years), these cyber threats must always exceed the evolving sophistication of common security controls. The advanced attack methods of APT groups makes this cyber threat significantly more difficult to intercept.

CrowdStrike Falcon Detects 100% of Attacks in New SE Labs EDR Test, Winning Highest Rating

CrowdStrike Falcon received a new AAA award from independent testing organization SE Labs, achieving a 100% Attacks Detected rating in the latest SE Labs Advanced Security Test, part of the endpoint detection and response (EDR) testing category. These test results speak to CrowdStrike’s commitment to transparency and Falcon’s comprehensive insight into detecting relevant elements of attack throughout sophisticated adversary attack chains.

Predictions 2022: Five Threats That Will Impact Your Personal Data and Privacy

In Q1 of 2021, 4 in 10 people encountered an unsafe link while using their mobile devices – less than a year later, 5 in 10 people encountered threats in Q3 2021. This trend will only continue as text message, email and social media phishing scams surge.

5 Things to Do Immediately After Your Startup Is the Victim of a Cyber Attack

Stats suggest that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses and 60% of these attacks are encountered within the first 6 months of setting up a business. While the horrors of cyber attacks are known to everyone, getting such a fatal blow right when you are starting, can send your startup on a trip to Bermuda Triangle! However, proper planning and having a reliable security strategy can help you bring back from the place of no return!

The Top Cyber Attacks of November 2021

One thing about the world of cybersecurity—it's seldom dull. The variety and creativity of cyberthieves keeps the industry constantly worth watching. November's roster of data breaches is an excellent illustration on that point: a mix of surprising methods, unusual motivations, and one old-fashioned data heist on one of the internet's most tempting targets.

6 Common Hacking Techniques and How to Avoid Them

According to the recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations report, 45% of breaches featured hacking in 2020. With high-value information such as user credentials and credit card information being stored on personal devices and transmitted freely online, hacking techniques have evolved to become more sophisticated than ever before.

Why Cyberattacks Increase During the Holiday Seasons

Cybercrime is a relevant threat any time of year, but especially during the holidays. The FBI recently issued a warning about rising ransomware attacks on holidays and weekends, a trend that is far from new but growing. As cybercrime continues to rise, holiday cybersecurity needs to improve. Many of the largest cyberattacks, including the Colonial Pipeline attack, have happened over various holidays. Smaller attacks tend to increase around these times of the year, too. Here are six reasons why.

What are Zero day Attacks? - A Comprehensive Guide

Cyber threats and attacks are a growing issue for businesses because the amount of vulnerabilities has increased. The volume of global malware has risen 58% annually, and the volume of spam has risen by more than one-third in the past 12 months. These issues have made it more difficult for employees to focus on what they need to do. Zero-day attacks in cyber security are one such challenge for security teams around the world.

The New "Attack Surface" - Securing the Business Beyond Conventional Boundaries

In 2020, just under half the UK workforce worked from home at least some of the time, according to the Office of National Statistics. In the United States, a survey by Upwork found that over a quarter of professionals expect to work fully remotely within the next five years. Working from home has been propelled into the mainstream by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the resulting lockdowns and restrictions on traveling to work.