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Keeper Connection Manager: From the original developers of Apache Guacamole

In February of 2021, one of the operators at the City of Oldsmar’s water treatment system noticed a change in the water supply. The level of sodium hydroxide was abnormally high, which would have been lethal for residents if ingested in large amounts. Quick to react, the operator was able to reverse it before any damage was done.

Four Reasons Large Organizations Are Susceptible to Cyber Attacks

A great deal of focus in the cybersecurity industry is placed on the dangers threat actors pose to small and medium-sized businesses. For good reason, too. These organizations often lack the budget and staffing required to provide 24×7 monitoring, detection, and response, leaving them exposed to attack. These same factors can find them incapable of mounting a robust incident response plan post-breach.

How to protect your car dealership from cyber-attacks

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. Recent trends show that car dealerships are becoming a prime target for cyber-attacks, partly due to the rise in autonomous and connected vehicles. This is in addition to more traditional attacks such as phishing. Therefore, car dealerships are urged to take measures to improve their cybersecurity posture.

SecurityScorecard releases list of Killnet open proxy IP addresses

In the wake of Killnet’s latest DDoS attack on U.S. hospitals on January 30, SecurityScorecard has made its KillNet open proxy IP blocklist available to the public. This list is the product of the SecurityScorecard Threat Research, Intelligence, Knowledge, and Engagement (STRIKE) Team’s ongoingresearchintoKillNet. We released this list to help organizations better defend themselves against KillNet and other groupslike it by preventing traffic from exploitable assets.

8 Steps Every Incident Response Plan Requires to Spot, Contain and Recover From an Attack

The popular saying “Keep Calm and Carry On” is a good mantra for any company that finds itself undergoing cyberattack, but what that pithy phrase does not mention is how one stays calm when a threat actor has locked down your system and is demanding a multimillion-dollar ransom?

The Top Cyber Attacks of January 2023

The new year is upon us, but from a cybersecurity perspective, things look much the same as they did last year. January brought fresh attacks on a pair of familiar targets, high-stakes escalations in the ransomware game, and questionable crisis management from a high-profile victim. In other words, business as usual for cybercriminals! Let’s look at a few noteworthy cybercrimes from January 2023.

5 Data Center Security Threats Businesses Must be Aware of in 2023

As reported by CIOSEA News, global cyber attacks saw an increase by 38 percent in 2022. This is in comparison to the percentage of such attacks seen in 2021. It's an alarming situation, one that clearly shows that cyber security threats are constantly growing. In some countries, cyber attacks were more severe and greater in number than in others. DIGIT News reported that the UK saw a 77 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2022. These are astounding figures, and they all point to how dangerous cyberspace has become.

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Combat Hands-on-Keyboard Cybersecurity Attacks

With news headlines like “A massive ransomware attack hit hundreds of businesses” becoming common, concern about malware has never been higher. High-profile examples of malware like DarkSide, REvil have been profiled so many times that not only cybersecurity professionals are on edge — every organization that has on-premises or in-the-cloud workloads is concerned.

Denial-of-Service Attacks: History, Techniques & Prevention

As its name indicates, Denial of Service (DoS) is any cyberattack that renders the target service inaccessible to legitimate users and information systems. That is, you're trying to access a web page or web service and it's just down, not working. The most common way attackers achieve this is by flooding the host servers and network with excessive traffic, such that the host server crashes or fails to respond in an acceptable duration. The denial-of-service style of attack is a common one.