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March 2020

Coronavirus Impact on Cyber Security

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is increasing tremendously and disrupting the global health at large extent, in addition to the damages to economics, social and political systems. More importantly, the digital world is also on the verge of destruction because, due to this menace, the people at large scale are compelled to work remotely and doing so will make them rely heavily on remote communication and digital tools.

Attackers Taking Advantage of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Outbreak

Following the latest developments of the emergence of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which has brought disruptive changes in our daily lives and chaos throughout the three-sector economic model – primary (raw materials), secondary (manufacturing), tertiary (services), unfortunately we are observing an increasing risk on cybersecurity threats related to COVID-19.

What is a Smurf Attack?

A smurf attack is a type of DDos attack that aims to create high traffic on your network and harm your organization. Read more to learn how you can avoid such attacks. What is a smurf attack? A smurf attack is a type of DDoS attack that consumes the essential resources of your network through the utilization of ICMP Echo mechanism. In other words, an attacker tries to flood a server with ICMP packets in order to render it inaccessible.