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SIM Swapping Attacks Unmasked: Stay One Step Ahead

The digital landscape has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with the convenience and connectivity offered by digital platforms comes an increased risk of cyber threats. One such threat that’s gained prominence in recent years is SIM swapping attacks. SIM swapping attacks involve a threat actor fraudulently gaining control over an individual’s mobile phone number. This ultimately allows the attacker to hijack their digital identity.

Understanding API Attacks: Why Are They Different and How to Prevent API Attacks

Salt has just released a new resource for business and security leaders – “Understanding API Attacks: Why Are They Different and How Can You Stop Them.” Salt undertook writing this eBook as part of our ongoing commitment to educate the market about API security issues and trends. In this new eBook, we take a close look at how API attacks differ from traditional attacks, and the measures organizations can take to protect against them.

Introducing the Zenity Attack Graph: Visualize Low-Code/No-Code Risk with Full Context

On paper, applications are created to be useful tools that solve specific business needs. Think of an application that tracks all ongoing projects for a product manager, an automation that triggers emails to prospective customers when they fill out a marketing form, or a flow that sends aggregated payment information to a finance manager. While all these applications are fairly straightforward, and seemingly used for singular cases, they are anything but.

A Closer Look at the Midnight Blizzard Crew

Microsoft's security team has recently made a significant discovery regarding an increase in cyber-attacks orchestrated by the Russian state-backed group known as the Midnight Blizzard crew. This group, which also operates under the aliases Nobelium, APT29, Cozy Bear, Iron Hemlock, and The Dukes, has been actively targeting personal credentials, according to Microsoft's findings. The Midnight Blizzard hackers employ residential proxy services to conceal the source IP addresses of their attacks.

Why Should Enterprises Care About APTs? Defend Against Chinese, Russian Cyber Espionage Hacking Groups and Other Nation-State Actors

We often think of advanced persistent threats or APTs as threats primarily targeting governments for cyber espionage, but they could have just as much impact on the private sector. Oftentimes, both the techniques and the tooling used overlap between APTs and financially-motivated cybercriminals, and some APT groups themselves have taken to moonlighting as cybercriminals for profit.

You're Not Hallucinating: AI-Assisted Cyberattacks Are Coming to Healthcare, Too

We recently published a blog post detailing how threat actors could leverage AI tools such as ChatGPT to assist in attacks targeting operational technology (OT) and unmanaged devices. In this blog post, we highlight why healthcare organizations should be particularly worried about this.

DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2

Welcome to the second DDoS threat report of 2023. DDoS attacks, or distributed denial-of-service attacks, are a type of cyber attack that aims to disrupt websites (and other types of Internet properties) to make them unavailable for legitimate users by overwhelming them with more traffic than they can handle — similar to a driver stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the grocery store.