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LinkedIn Accounts Under Attack

In recent weeks, the Cyberint research team has observed an alarming emerging trend – an ongoing and successful hacking campaign is targeting LinkedIn accounts, all following a consistent method. This campaign is currently affecting individuals worldwide, resulting in a significant number of victims losing access to their accounts. Some have even been pressured into paying a ransom to regain control or faced with the permanent deletion of their accounts.

Cybercriminals hijack this Microsoft 365 log-in feature as part of brand impersonation attacks that harvest users' credentials

On March 15th, 2023, a new feature released from Microsoft enabled organizations with a paid subscription to Microsoft 365 for business, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Enterprise Mobility Suite, or other Microsoft services, to add company branding to their Microsoft 365 sign-in page via Azure Active Directory. This update is often recommended to improve both user experience and security by providing assurance the individual is logging in via the legitimate page for their company.

Reproducing common attacks in the cloud with Stratus Red Team

Stratus Red Team is a project that allows you to easily reproduce, understand, and detect common attack techniques in the cloud. As a self-contained tool, you can also use it to validate your threat detection logic. In this video, Christophe walks through the use of Stratus Red Team to reproduce a common AWS attack.

Most Organizations Using Weak Multifactor Authentication

Most organizations are still using weak forms of multi-factor authentication (MFA), a survey by Nok Nok has found. These forms of MFA can be bypassed if an employee falls for a social engineering attack. “72% of organizations still use phishable MFA factors for their customer-facing applications,” the researchers write. “The cost and risk of lost or stolen data, business, and funds from compromised accounts is motivating organizations to make MFA mandatory for their customers.

Impact of Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses

Your business is at high risk if you have no security measures. A cyber attack can cause devastating financial damage to your business, including legal liabilities. Cyberattacks can result in lasting adverse repercussions on the reputation of your network security, as clients and customers can lose faith in your business if their personal data gets leaked.

Original Attacks: SafeBreach Labs Discovers Previously Unknown Attack Methods

Researchers at SafeBreach Labs have recently discovered several novel attack methods which can circumvent common security controls and execute some jaw-dropping malicious actions including: SafeBreach threat researchers have successfully executed and verified each of these attack methods, however none have been used in the wild at this point.

5 Intriguing Ways AI Is Changing the Landscape of Cyber Attacks

In today's world, cybercriminals are learning to harness the power of AI. Cybersecurity professionals must be prepared for the current threats of zero days, insider threats, and supply chain, but now add in Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Generative AI. AI can revolutionize industries, but cybersecurity leaders and practitioners should be mindful of its capabilities and ensure it is used effectively.

Vendor Email Compromise Attacks Use the Same Playbook for Multiple Attacks

Seeking very large paydays, Vendor Email Compromise (VEC) threat actors are finding out what works and repurposing their content and processes to increase chances of seeing a massive payout. VEC is a form of Business Email Compromise (BEC) where an email account isn’t just impersonated (e.g., using someone’s name, a lookalike domain, etc.) but actually compromising credentials and taking over an account of someone within an organization.

Data Theft Extortion Attacks Rise 25 Percent in Just One Quarter and Take Top Attack Spot

A recap of Q2 from Cisco Talos’ incident response services provides insight into exactly what kinds of attacks are being seen in the field, and what kinds of attacks you need to be protecting against. While I love covering industry reports here, I also love to see practical experiences from the field summarized into trends. And that’s exactly what we find with Cisco Talos Incident Response’s Incident Response trends Q2 2023 recap.