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Social Media

Apple, X, and the Revolution in VPN Technology

A virtual private network is a tool used to encrypt data and mask a user's IP address. Many people use them to access content that may be banned in their country. In certain jurisdictions, X is being prohibited and has been linked to a rise in VPN use. In this article, we talk about how Apple customers have found them increasingly hard to find.

How Do You Know if Your Facebook Has Been Hacked?

You can tell if your Facebook account has been hacked if you receive login attempt notifications, notice your account’s personal information has been changed, see an increase in suspicious messages or have trouble logging in to your account. Since Facebook accounts hold a large amount of private information, you need to recover your account quickly if it’s been hacked.

Phishing Attacks Are Increasingly Targeting Social Media and Smartphone Users

Threat actors are increasingly tailoring their attacks to target social media apps and smartphone users, according to a new report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG). As email security technologies improve, scammers are turning to social media apps, text messages, and voice calls to conduct social engineering attacks.

Why This Tool is Your Best Bet for Finding Accurate Emails on LinkedIn

In today's digital age, effective communication is key to successful business operations, especially when it comes to networking and lead generation. Professionals and businesses alike rely on tools that can efficiently connect them with the right contacts. LinkedIn, as the world's largest professional network, is a goldmine for such connections. However, finding accurate contact information, especially email addresses, can be challenging. This is where Lusha shines.

Instagram Mobile Proxies: Boost Your Social Media Marketing with Better Account Management

In today's digital landscape, social media marketing is an essential component of any successful business strategy. Instagram, with its vast user base and visually-centric platform, has become a powerhouse for brands aiming to connect with their audience. However, managing multiple Instagram accounts can be complicated due to the platform's stringent policies. This is where Instagram Mobile Proxies become invaluable. By using mobile proxies, businesses can efficiently manage their accounts and enhance their social media marketing strategies.

How to Stay Away from LinkedIn Scams

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional networking service for accountants, policemen, politicians, advertising professionals, business executives, college students, investment bankers, and consultants. Most use LinkedIn to connect with others and help with career development, new business contacts, and professional networking. However, job scams and other online cybercriminals use LinkedIn features for fraudulent activities.

Don't Fall for It: How to Spot Social Media Job Scams a Mile Away

As social media becomes more intertwined with our daily routines, cybercriminals are using it to trick people with fake job offers. What are these social-media recruitment scams, and how can you spot the red flags? With unemployment surging in many countries around the world, in particular countries like South Africa, which is currently at the top of the highest unemployment list in the world at over 32%, it’s no wonder that scams targeting job seekers are becoming more common.

Guarding the Classroom: Shielding Students from TikTok with Intelligence Powered Cybersecurity

The explosive growth of TikTok in schools isn’t just a trend—it’s a cybersecurity ticking time bomb. From rampant exposure to harmful content to severe data privacy concerns, TikTok’s unchecked influence poses significant threats to the safety and well-being of students, as well as compromising the technical infrastructure and sensitive data of schools.

Social Media Cybersecurity: Don't Let Employees Be Your Weakest Link

Maintaining an active social media presence can be a great way to improve brand visibility and generate leads, but it also opens the door to cybersecurity risks — from phishing scams and malware to identify theft and data breaches. If employees accidentally post confidential information or click dodgy links via corporate accounts, cybercriminals can launch malicious attacks that can cause lasting damage to your business (67% of data breaches result from human error).