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Is Your LinkedIn Profile Putting Your Security at Risk?

In today's age of information, it's becoming increasingly easier to gather information on anyone, including their professional lives on platforms like LinkedIn. While it may seem harmless to check out a colleague's profile or connect with a friend, it's important to consider the potential security risks involved. In this video, we explore the growing concern of side-channel attacks, where hackers can gain access to personal information through the connections and networks of individuals. We discuss how to identify potential risks and take steps to safeguard your personal and professional information.

A Guide on 5 Common LinkedIn Scams

The fact that scammers haunt Facebook and Twitter is not surprising. Even so, digital criminals don’t stop with just those two platforms. They’re also known to stalk users on LinkedIn where connections carry greater professional gravity. Fortunately, users can stay alert of such activity by familiarizing themselves with the most common types of LinkedIn scams. In no particular order, here are five such ruses that should be on everyone’s radar.

Social Networking Without Selling Yourself

A truism about the free tools online is that if you aren’t paying for the service, then you are the product. Take your grocery store's “club” card program. You sign up and give them your name and phone number, and every time you shop, you swipe your card and get discounts on certain items. If you shop at the same store all the time, it makes total sense to take advantage of these discounts to save yourself some cash.

CleanINTERNET Controls for TikTok Available Following US Lawmakers Ban

In the last week, The U.S. House of Representatives ordered its staff and lawmakers to delete TikTok from any government-issued mobile device due to security concerns with the popular video-sharing app. But, it’s not just the government taking action for a potential security vulnerability. A handful of college campuses announced that they are banning access to TikTok from campus WiFi in accordance with their respective governors’ executive orders.