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Zero Trust

5 Guiding Principles to protect your IP effectively with Zero Trust

Zero Trust is the new Buzz word in the cybersecurity arena. Ever since, Forrester Analyst, Kindervag introduced the term Zero Trust in his article “Zero Trust Architecture”, traditional security measures have become obsolete. Zero Trust is a security framework that is based on an “I Trust No One” principle; it doesn’t matter if the user is within or outside the organization. A user is not granted access unless he/she is authenticated and authorized first.

Think Beyond SD-WAN to a Zero Trust, Context-Aware SD-WAN

The enterprise business is now borderless, where users, devices, sites, and clouds are all creating any-to-any connections with new access control requirements. Digital innovation has led to the proliferation of apps and IoT devices where the cloud and web have become an encyclopedia of applications.

Achieving Zero Trust Maturity with Cato SSE 360

Trust is a serious issue facing enterprise architectures today. Legacy architectures are designed on implicit trust, which makes them vulnerable to modern-day attacks. A Zero Trust approach to security can remedy this risk, but transitioning isn’t always easy or inexpensive. CISA, the US government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, suggests a five-pillar model to help guide organizations to zero trust maturity.

Cloudflare Equips Organisations with the Zero Trust Security They Need to Safely Use Generative AI

Now companies can give their teams the productivity and innovation of emerging generative AI - while reducing risk with built-in security and governance controls over the flow of data.

Why is the US DoD taking a Zero Trust Approach?

Recently the US Department of Defense (DoD) cyber-perimeter had been breached by state-sponsored and individual hackers. Vulnerabilities exposed by data breaches inside and outside the DoD demonstrate the need for a more robust cybersecurity framework that facilitates risk-based protection. In October 2022, it released the “DoD Zero Trust Strategy” and road map.

Introducing new Zero Trust controls in ManageEngine PAM360

We are delighted to announce game changing features now offered as part of ManageEngine PAM360, our enterprise privileged access management (PAM) suite. With PAM360’s new additions to its Zero Trust offering, your organization’s privileged identities will be protected like never before. These updates will be available with the latest version of PAM360.

A complete suite of Zero Trust security tools to help get the most from AI

Cloudflare One gives teams of any size the ability to safely use the best tools on the Internet without management headaches or performance challenges. We’re excited to announce Cloudflare One for AI, a new collection of features that help your team build with the latest AI services while still maintaining a Zero Trust security posture.