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May 2021

The Colonial Pipeline Incident Fallout and Building Zero-Trust

Back in March, a hacking group known as DarkSide began a campaign on Colonial Pipeline’s IT network and billing systems. On May 7th, Colonial publicly announces the attack, shuts down servers and some pipelines and pays DarkSide $4.4M in ransom. On May 12th, Colonial restores operations and announces fuel delivery timelines amidst panic buying at gas stations.

Outpost24 Webinar - Is zero trust redefining network security assessment

As zero trust moves higher up on the CISOs security agenda we’re hosting a webinar to discuss the pros and cons of adopting this new approach and how it can impact your team’s ability to remain agile, whilst protecting your business. As a recent study demonstrates, 34% of security breaches involved insiders in 2019 meaning CISOs are becoming more likely to consider zero trust and it should come as no surprise that many organizations are now eager to adopt a zero-trust security policy.