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January 2021

The Keys to a Zero Trust Strategy

Zero Trust is a security strategy you need to implement and scale across many different tools and layers. It is super complex to do so. The reason is that you have many kinds of networks, a vast number of data planes, and places for things to connect. On top of that, you also have many types of devices that connect. How can you get one single view of all these assets, get everything into a single layer and figure out one policy that can manage them all? In this video, Rob McNutt discusses the keys to a Zero Trust security strategy.

Network Security: The Journey from Chewiness to Zero Trust Networking

Network security has changed a lot over the years, it had to. From wide open infrastructures to tightly controlled environments, the standard practices of network security have grown more and more sophisticated. This post will take us back in time to look at the journey that a typical network has been on over the past 15+ years. From a wide open, “chewy” network, all the way to zero trust networking. Let’s get started.