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January 2024

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Why Identity is the Cornerstone of a Zero Trust Architecture

As organisations continue to embrace digital transformation to gain access to the cloud's many benefits, this means that computing environments are evolving into borderless IT ecosystems. Digital identities are also evolving at pace and identity security is now a crucial aspect of cybersecurity. As we continue to digitally transform organisations, so the importance of secure and reliable digital identities has grown. 2024 is poised to usher in a multitude of innovations and trends in this area, ranging from advanced biometrics to the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning to meet the changing needs of businesses, individuals, and governments.

Zero Trust Explained: Strengthening Cybersecurity in the Digital Age

Zero Trust is a cybersecurity approach that’s vital in today’s interconnected world, where security breaches are a persistent threat. The principle is straightforward: trust no one and verify everything. Instead of assuming a secure perimeter, Zero Trust requires continuous authentication and validation for anyone trying to access network resources, whether they’re inside or outside the organisation.

What Is the Future and Technology of Zero Trust?

In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, the future of Zero Trust unfolds with promises and challenges. In the second part of the Zero Trust series, we explore the insights from industry experts, contemplate the intersection of trust and security, and chart a course for the evolving landscape of digital defense.