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Why SASE vs SSE misses the point for IT leaders

As high-profile breaches dominate headlines and decimate share prices, demonstrating your ability to protect client data has become the latest IT imperative getting boardroom attention, along with a host of new analyst and vendor-created labels for the ‘perfect’ solution. We want to help those who are short on time and resources cut through the bewildering landscape of buzzwords and gold standards by offering some practical, vendor-agnostic advice on where best to start and how to get the biggest wins in reducing their firms' exposure to risk.

How an Integrated Strategy Solves Modern Cyber Challenges and Prepares for Tomorrow

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats and a siloed approach to cybersecurity is no longer enough. In this video, David Morimanno, Director of Identity & Access Management Technologies at Xalient, explores how an integrated cybersecurity strategy can address modern challenges and future-proof your organization.

Unlocking the Power of Secure Identities with Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)

As businesses continue to embrace cloud services for scalability and cost efficiency, cybersecurity is following a similar trend. To stay ahead of evolving threats, companies are increasingly adopting Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) as a comprehensive solution. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) deliver Identity Security to help businesses achieve key objectives.
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The path of least resistance to Privileged Access Management

Privileged Access Management (PAM) has been around for more than 20 years taking critical accounts and putting them into a vault to ensure only select individuals could access them securely. Since then, PAM has evolved and now focuses on controlling the access itself which means preventing broad access to specific data and providing insight into who has access and when an account has been accessed. Privileged accounts have traditionally been given to administrators to access critical data and applications.

Identity Governance: Balancing Cost Reduction with Effective Risk Management

In today’s business environment, cost reduction is a top priority for many organizations. Companies are increasingly adopting technologies that automate tasks and enhance efficiencies to achieve cost savings. However, minimizing risk should also be a key objective for every business.

The path of least resistance to Privileged Access Management

Privileged Access Management (PAM) has been a cornerstone of cybersecurity for over 20 years. Initially, PAM focused on securing critical accounts by placing them in a vault, allowing only select individuals access. Today, PAM has evolved to not only protect these accounts but also control access, providing detailed insights into who accesses what and when.

Xalient Why SASE Vs SSE Misses The Point For IT Leaders

As high-profile breaches dominate headlines and decimate share prices, demonstrating your ability to protect client data has become the latest IT imperative getting boardroom attention, along with a host of new analyst and vendor-created labels for the ‘perfect’ solution. We want to help those who are short on time and resources cut through the bewildering landscape of buzzwords and gold standards by offering some practical, vendor-agnostic advice on where best to start and how to get the biggest wins in reducing their firms' exposure to risk.

Savvy Security: Unpacking key SASE vendor selection criteria

Many companies are stepping up their security measures to protect against cyber risks associated with the increasing use of cloud services and remote work. As a result, the global deployment of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is on the rise. According to the 2024 Gartner CIO and Technology Executive Survey, 39% of respondents have already deployed SASE or plan to do so within the next 24 months.