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October 2023

How to Apply Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) In the Real World

How well do you sleep at night? Odds are you would sleep better if you could wake up to Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA). A true ZTA network makes incident response wake-up calls far less likely by shutting down data breaches, ransomware threats or any kind of unauthorised network access. It would also save your organisation at least £500,000 over a four-year period, making your security efforts much easier to advocate for. That’s the dream anyway.

Top tips: 3 common Zero Trust myths debunked

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world and list ways to explore these trends. For the final week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re playing myth-busters and debunking three popular misconceptions about Zero Trust. Cyberthreats are becoming more and more brazen over time, and let’s face it—without a strong Zero Trust framework, your organization doesn’t have a dog in the fight.

Zero Trust & Zero Trust Network Architecture (ZTNA)

Zero trust is a philosophy and practice all about securing data across your entire network. Zero trust means trust no one — authenticate everyone. Adopting this philosophy means your organization assumes that every single user, device and service that attempts to connect to its network is hostile until proven otherwise.

Unlocking The Power of Zero with Netskope and Okta

We need to shift how we as security practitioners break the barriers for collective threat awareness across identity touchpoints within cybersecurity. It’s become imperative that we gain the ability to continuously assess user risk with automatic response actions—a shift towards a unified, contextually-driven identity defense.

The Role of UEBA in Zero Trust Security

As cyber threats have grown in sophistication and frequency, a paradigm shift in security strategy has become imperative. This shift has given rise to the Zero Trust Security Framework, an approach that challenges the very foundation of trust in network security. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) steps into the spotlight as a dynamic force that complements and enhances the Zero Trust Security framework. Let’s discover how UEBA can help organizations achieve zero trust security!

PAM360 Zero Trust Overview

ManageEngine PAM360 delivers Zero Trust by design through three key principles—always verify, assume breach, and least privilege access. PAM360 helps you adopt a holistic, Zero Trust approach to privileged access management. From role-based access controls to dynamic trust scoring, PAM360 provides cutting-edge security features out of the box. Best of all, this comprehensive solution is easy to setup, implement, and manage.

What is Zero Trust

Zero Trust is a cybersecurity philosophy that rejects the idea of offering implicit trust to traffic based on network location. In other words, Zero Trust views all traffic as potentially malicious, regardless of whether it originates from a traditionally trusted network source, and therefore requires all traffic to be scrutinized to determine whether access should be granted to a specific resource.