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One Identity

Six ways privilege management improves your security posture

Identities, computers and groups all need access to resources. But only enough to fulfill a role, and only for as long as they need it. AD Admins, IT leaders, VPs and CISOs recognize this as a foundational part of Zero Trust least privilege models – and as one of the biggest challenges for enterprises. That’s because using native tools for privilege management is complex.

How to build a cyber risk program that will lock hackers out

Rob Kraczek, One Identity Global Strategist, explores how organizations can avoid becoming part of the 90% of organizations that are victims of cyberattacks by developing a cyber risk program. Most hackers look for the easiest and most effective way to hack your environment. In this video, Kraczek shares why every organization needs robust identity governance and administration (IGA), the core component of a cyber risk program, to prevent cyberattacks. Learn more about Risk in the World of Identity Governance.

Managing identities in a growing organization: Lessons from SECURA Insurance

Joe Albers, Senior Information Security Engineer at SECURA Insurance, shares how effective identity management is crucial for compliance and security in the insurance sector. In this video, Albers discusses the challenges SECURA Insurance faced in managing identities as they grew from 600 to 1,100 employees. Timely deprovisioning and secure access to critical applications was a top priority during the transition from manual processes to automation, which the company achieved seamlessly with One Identity Manager.

Behavior Driven Governance

There’s an unfortunate truth about applications and access in the enterprise. Many applications are underutilized. This means patches and updates can fall down the to-do list of already-stretched IT service desks. Naturally, this increases the vulnerabilities – and opportunities for attackers. Risks are compounded when many users retain access they no longer need, especially when it’s access to the most critical and sensitive resources.

One Identity's approach to AI in cybersecurity

In this video, Chinski addresses the challenges posed by malicious AI, such as deepfakes and advanced phishing attacks, emphasizing the importance of threat detection and response. On the flip side, Chinski showcases how One Identity uses predictive AI and machine learning in solutions like Identity Manager and Safeguard to enhance security through behavioral analytics and governance.