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February 2021

Defense Department Cybersecurity: All Ahead on Zero Trust

With the Defense Department’s quick and successful pivot to a remote workforce last Spring via its Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) environment, it proved that the future to fully operate from anywhere in the world is now. Gone are the days of thousands of civilian employees heading into the Pentagon or other installations everyday. However, with this new disparate workforce comes increased risks for network security. As my colleague Bill Wright expertly noted last Summer.

How to prevent supply chain attacks with the Zero Trust Architecture

The SolarWinds supply chain attack has rocked the business world, stirring a whirlwind of supply chain security evaluations. The pernicious effects of the SolarWinds cyberattack (which is likely to take months to fully comprehend) reveals an uncomfortable truth causing stakeholders globally to reconsider their business model - vendors introduce a significant security risk to an organization.

Zero Trust policies - Not just for humans, but for machines and applications too

Hackers are continually finding more and more pathways into an organization’s internal environment. Not only is access widely available, it can also be alarmingly simple. Rather than having to actively hack systems, hackers often just log in using easily-obtained or compromised user identities and credentials.