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November 2021

Zero Trust: Public and Private Sectors Facing Similar Risks

Kevin Kerr, Lead Security Principal Consultant at Trustwave, participated in a discussion on Zero Trust with Steve Riley, Field CTO at Netskope during SASE Week 2021. The importance of Zero Trust is derived from how it functions. Instead of focusing on protecting a physical network, a Zero Trust network works by focusing on securing the resources that reside on or have access to the network such as data, identities, and services.

Redirecting the Zero Trust Conversation to Build a More Robust Architecture

In a recent Tripwire survey, over 300 respondents from both private and public sectors said that implementing Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) could materially improve cybersecurity outcomes. This result seems like a positive outcome since we don’t often get such a unanimously high confidence level in a specific security approach from survey data.

Zero Trust isn't a Buzzword

Lookout has announced its latest milestone — the expansion of Lookout Continuous Conditional Access (CCA) by integrating security and access platforms. This enables organizations to make detailed and ongoing risk assessments of endpoints and users, and apply that information to very granular access controls (as opposed to a simple yes-no access decision) that ensures business continues securely. This video illustrates how integrating Mobile Endpoint Security, Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions deliver a modern Zero Trust architecture.

Achieving Zero Trust? One Size Does Not Fit All

More than a year of near-universal remote work has proven that many of us can reliably stay productive from anywhere — whether it be from home, co-working spaces or otherwise. Businesses have caught wind of this, and according to IDC, 60% of them will continue with remote work or implement a hybrid model even after they reopen their offices again. This calls for a paradigm shift in the way we conduct cybersecurity.

Tripwire Experts Offer Point of View on Zero Trust at EO's 6-Month Milestone

When the Biden Administration released its Cybersecurity Executive Order in May 2021, it was clear that Zero Trust would be a central component of the government’s security approach moving forward. Agencies and their partners scrambled to assess their existing Zero Trust investments and the gaps that would need to be filled in order to quickly ramp up implementation.

Cloud Applications: A Zero Trust Approach To Security For Healthcare

Accelerated adoption of the cloud has driven healthcare organizations to rely more heavily on cloud-based productivity suites and apps that enable both employees and patients to access data from anywhere. Compound this use of managed and unmanaged mobile devices in a world where the network perimeter is being eroded and you have a real challenge at hand. AGENDA: Zero Trust - How to apply a dynamic and contextual approach to applications and data access in the cloud.

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity mesh-An extension of the Zero Trust Network

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week let’s zoom in on cybersecurity mesh, which brings a twist to the existing security architecture with a distributed approach.

Why retailers must adopt a Zero Trust approach during this holiday season

The pandemic accelerated a trend that was already gaining increased traction: the preference for shopping online. The last eighteen months have brought a surge to the eCommerce industry, with consumers of all ages learning how to order items online. Competition has never been fiercer for online retailers, which means it’s not just quality products and customer service that companies must focus on.

The Zero-Trust Journey in 5 Phases

For a concept that represents absence, zero trust is absolutely everywhere. Companies that have explored how to embark upon zero-trust projects encounter daunting challenges and lose sight of the outcomes a zero-trust approach intends to achieve. Effective zero-trust projects aim to replace implicit trust with explicit, continuously adaptive trust across users, devices, networks, applications, and data to increase confidence across the business.

Zero Trust? Don't Forget Your Mobile Fleet

Does your Zero Trust strategy include mobile devices? If not, it might have a zero chance of being successful. Hear how to deliver continuous authentication for mobile users connecting to corporate data. Speakers: Tomas Maldonado - CISO, NFL Ramy Houssaini - Chief Cyber & Technology Risk Officer & Group Privacy Officer, BNP Paribas