Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Start strong: How CISOs make an impact from Day 1

CISO is a high-profile position with high expectations – and the impact clock starts ticking day 1. At Cato, we’ve had thousands of conversations with CISOs from companies of all sizes across different industries – learning about what works, what doesn’t, and the strategies that boost proactive, visionary leadership. This blog post, along with the eBook 30-60-90 Day CISO: Mastering the IT Security Game, is rooted in that collective wisdom.

Tines named a Leader and Outperformer in the GigaOm Radar Report for SOAR

We’re excited to share that Tines has been named a Leader and Outperformer in GigaOm’s Radar Report for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR). We were the only vendor to secure scores of 4 (superior) or 5 (exceptional) in all evaluated categories, including key features, emerging technologies, and critical business criteria. Tines also earned Outperformer status based on our high rate of delivery in the last year, high release cadence, and strong roadmap for the upcoming year.

Thick Client Single Sign-On (SSO)

Are you tired of remembering passwords for all your thick client apps, or are you leaving your passwords at vulnerable places and entering them manually every time? Try miniOrange Thick Client Single Sign-on for seamless and secure access. Log in once to miniOrange dashboard and install our desktop software to access all your standalone thick client applications running, boosting your productivity and security.

How to Secure Your Network Infrastructure

With governments across the globe gearing up for major elections, experts have been predicting an increase in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks from nation-states and, so far, those predictions have paid off. According to Forbes, a recently thwarted DDoS attack found hackers sending traffic at 3.8 terabytes per second to a target server, peaking at 2.14 billion packets per second, making it the largest DDoS attack ever recorded.

LEKT AI: Your Ultimate AI Chatbot Assistant

Ever wished you had a one-stop hub for all the coolest AI models out there? Well, guess what? LEKT AI just made that wish come true! It's like having a genius friend who's always got your back, whether you're tackling a school project, brainstorming marketing ideas, or just exploring the wild world of AI.

Transforming Payment Systems in Education: Integrating Mobile Payment Solutions to Streamline Financial Transactions for Modern Learning Environments

In recent years, the management of finances within educational institutions has undergone significant shifts, driven largely by the rise of digital technologies. The transition from traditional, often cumbersome, payment processes to streamlined, electronic systems has become increasingly essential. At the forefront of this transformation are education payment solutions that simplify fee collection, improve payment accessibility, and align with digital-native expectations.

Hardware Security Modules: Foundation for Post- Quantum Cryptography Implementation

With NIST's release of the final standards for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), organizations are tasked with securely and efficiently implementing these complex algorithms. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) stand out as a key component in this process, providing the robust infrastructure needed to manage post-quantum cryptographic operations while ensuring strong security.