Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Product designer Sierre Wolfkostin explains why passkeys haven't completely replaced passwords...yet

Passwords are required to do practically everything, from watching TV and accessing your phone to making a doctor’s appointment and paying your electric bill. Without a password manager, it’s virtually impossible to remember all of your passwords, particularly if you’re using strong and unique ones for each account.

9 Ways Data Vampires Are Bleeding Your Sensitive Information

Beware! Remote work and the variety of collaboration tools are making it easier than ever to access and share data, leaving sensitive information at risk from data vampires. Today, we share an old dark tale for you, but just as in Grimm’s fairy tales, the lessons are still frightfully relevant.

Telegram Changes Shake Cyber Criminals

Telegram, with over 700 million users globally, is widely known for its privacy features, but its lack of strict moderation has made it a favored platform for cyber criminals. Over recent years, the platform has been linked to illegal activities, including drug and weapons trafficking, child exploitation, and cyber crime operations like phishing, malware distribution, and stolen data trading.

Announcing the General Availability of Splunk Enterprise Security 8.0

At.conf24 we unveiled the private preview of Splunk Enterprise Security 8.0, and the buzz was undeniable. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Splunk Enterprise Security 8.0 is now generally available! This isn’t just another release—it’s a massive leap forward that redefines and revolutionizes security operations. Splunk Enterprise Security 8.0 is the cornerstone of the SOC of the Future.

Taking the Pain Out Of Compliance for Legal and GRC Teams

The legal department plays a crucial role in enhancing enterprise security profiles. Historically, legal and cybersecurity departments have been siloed from one another in organizations both large and small. With security now a concern at the Board level, legal’s role in enterprise risk management – advising on threats and potential liability – must include the impact of data security threats.

Building Trust in Digital Retail: How Identity Security Protects E-Commerce

As retailers prepare for a season of high-demand online shopping, the risks of cyberthreats continue to grow, much like the need for increased security in a bustling mall on busy shopping days. In today’s retail landscape, identity security serves as the “mall security team” of the digital world—working behind the scenes to protect customer trust and to help ensure seamless, secure shopping experiences.

Discovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Portainer with CodeQL

Recently, we researched a project on Portainer, the go-to open-source tool for managing Kubernetes and Docker environments. With more than 30K stars on GitHub, Portainer gives you a user-friendly web interface to deploy and monitor containerized applications easily. Since Portainer is an open-source, we thought CodeQL, an advanced code analysis tool, be a good fit to check its codebase for any security issues.