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Secrets Management

Integrate Jira Data Center With GitGuardian For Real-Time Secrets Detection

We are excited to announce that Jira Data Center users can now leverage GitGuardian to perform real-time scanning for secrets in issues and comments. We have supported Jira Cloud with real-time scanning for some time, but now teams that run their own private versions of the popular project management tool, helping teams plan, track, and release work. You can install GitGuardian on multiple Jira Data Center sites to monitor your projects.

Integrate Bitbucket Cloud With GitGuardian's Secrets Detection Platform Now Supports

We are proud to announce that BitBucket Cloud users can now leverage the GitGuardian Secrets Detection platform to find hardcoded secrets throughout their existing codebases and actively monitor any code changes for newly leaked credentials. We have supported Bitbucket Data Center and Sever for years, but now, teams managing code on can reap those same benefits. Integration is very simple and straightforward.

Introducing The GitGuardian Secret Analyzer

Introducing The GitGuardian Secret Analyzer GitGuardian has always helped you find your leaked secrets, but now GitGuardian can also quickly reveal the permissions of your secrets. One of the first questions any security team needs to ask itself when a secret is leaked is "What exactly could an attacker do with it?" Does it grant read-only access or does it have permissions to write or delete data? At the same time, understanding the correct scope needed for replacing a credential can take a long time, as all too often, the permissions originally granted are poorly documented, if at all.

Introducing The GitGuardian Secret Analyzer

Introducing The GitGuardian Secret Analyzer GitGuardian has always helped you find your leaked secrets, but now GitGuardian can also quickly reveal the permissions of your secrets. One of the first questions any security team needs to ask itself when a secret is leaked is "What exactly could an attacker do with it?" Does it grant read-only access or does it have permissions to write or delete data? At the same time, understanding the correct scope needed for replacing a credential can take a long time, as all too often, the permissions originally granted are poorly documented, if at all.

Solving Secrets Management Challenges for NHIs with GitGuardian Multi-Vault Integrations

Struggling with fragmented secrets management and inconsistent vault practices? GitGuardian new multi-vault integrations provide organizations with centralized secrets visibility, reduce blind spots, enforce vault usage and fight against vault sprawl.

From Confidence to Competence: Overcoming Secrets Management Challenges

Check out this insightful discussion on the realities of secrets management, featuring Grace Law, Principal Security Engineer in Application Security at a large insurance company, and Chris Smith, Product Marketing Director for Machine Identities & DevSecOps at CyberArk. Together, they’ll share real-world experiences and strategies for overcoming the most pressing challenges in secrets management and security.