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Detect SSRF attacks in cloud applications and APIs

APIs can be vulnerable to a wide variety of attacks, such as poor inventory management and access controls, making them a primary target for attackers. Server-side request forgery (SSRF) is one type of attack that has become more prominent with the rising use of public clouds. This is primarily due to new development practices like using Instance Metadata Services (IMDS) to access valuable information about deployed instances, such as credentials.

Suspicious Maintainer Unveils Threads of npm Supply Chain Attack

This story starts when Sébastien Lorber, maintainer of Docusaurus, the React-based open-source documentation project, notices a Pull Request change to the package manifest. Here’s the change proposed to the popular cliui npm package: Specifically, drawing our attention to the npm dependencies change that use an unfamiliar syntax: Most developers would expect to see a semver version range in the value of a package or perhaps a Git or file-based URL.

Espionage-Intent Threat Groups Are Now Using Ransomware as a Diversion Tactic in Cyberattacks

A new report focused on cyber espionage actors targeting government and critical infrastructure sectors highlights the strategic use of ransomware for distraction or misattribution. It was inevitable: a threat group using a secondary attack type to cover their tracks – whether those “tracks” are the groups true intent, who’s responsible – or to simply make some additional money after they’re done with the initial attack.

The Importance of DDoS Threat Intelligence and Collaborative Data Sharing

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks pose a significant threat to organizations of all sizes. To effectively combat this ever-evolving menace, there is a critical need for DDoS threat intelligence and collaborative sharing of data. We’ll explore the importance of DDoS threat intelligence, the benefits of collaborative data sharing, and the collective effort required to mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks.

How To Stop MFA Fatigue Attacks

As organizations continue to digitize and passwords proliferate across systems, applications, and even assets, identity and access management (IAM) has become a pillar of cybersecurity. One component of IAM has become ubiquitous with access security: multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is an access control technique that adds a layer of security to user logins and access by making the user verify their identity.

Best Practices for Supply Chain Security in Response to Attack

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Protect Your Business from Being Cryptojacked!

Cryptojacking is rapidly emerging as the most popular type of attack on cloud native applications and infrastructure. Care to guess how many cryptojacking attacks were recording in 2023? As a reference point, in the year before (2022), there were 139M cryptojacking attacks. However, this number jumped 659% the following year (2023) to 1.06B! That averages nearly 3M cryptojacking attacks every day, on average.