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The Real-World Threat of Cyberattacks on Water infrastructure

Do you remember the last time you didn’t have water? Reliable water delivery is something many of us take for granted. Our local water treatment plant sits at the edge of our neighborhood, and I pass it every day on my way to take the kids to school. Not a lot seems to go on there, so it never occurred to me that I should be concerned about an attack on this critical infrastructure. What does occur to me is the possibility of a cyberattack on our water system.

CDK Global Cyber Incident Shows the Need for Better Supply Chain Security

CDK Global, a company that provides software for thousands of auto dealers, was hit by back-to-back cyberattacks on June 19. These attacks led to an outage that continued to impact many of their sales operations on Friday, according to the Associated Press. CDK told multiple news outlets that it is "actively investigating a cyber incident," and the company shut down all of its systems out of an abundance of caution.

Snowflake Breach Attack Insights

The recent attack on Snowflake accounts underscores a critical lesson for all cloud users: securely managing identities and access is paramount under the shared responsibility model. As more organizations leverage cloud services, it’s essential to understand that security is a collaborative effort between the service provider and the customer.

Polyfill supply chain attack embeds malware in JavaScript CDN assets

On June 25, 2024, the Sansec security research and malware team announced that a popular JavaScript polyfill project had been taken over by a foreign actor identified as a Chinese-originated company, embedding malicious code in JavaScript assets fetched from their CDN source at: Sansec claims more than 100,000 websites were impacted due to this polyfill attack, including publicly traded companies such as Intuit and others.

Levi's Suffers Credential Stuffing Attack: Steps to Secure Your Online Identity

In a recent cybersecurity incident, tens of thousands of Levi's customers had their accounts compromised following a credential stuffing attack. According to a notice published on the Maine Office of the Attorney General's website, 72,231 individuals were potentially impacted by the breach on June 13. Incident Details On June 13, Levi's detected unusual activity on their website, indicating a credential stuffing attack.

CVE-2024-38526 - Polyfill Supply Chain Attack for Malicious Code Execution

The research team warned today that a script from the domain and service, which was purchased earlier this year by a Chinese company named ‘Funnull’, has been modified to introduce malicious code on websites in a supply chain attack. Currently over 100,000 sites could be impacted.

Professional Services Sector Under Attack - Trustwave SpiderLabs Report 2024

Recent research by Trustwave SpiderLabs, detailed in their newly published report "2024 Professional Services Threat Landscape: Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing and Mitigation Strategies," reveals a surge in ransomware, supply chain, and technologically sophisticated attacks aimed at the professional services industry.

Phishing Attacks in the UK Have Surged

Over 11 million phishing attacks have been reported to the UK’s Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) over the past year, according to new data from Action Fraud. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre has also taken down more than 329,000 phishing sites since the SERS program started in 2020.

Mexican Organizations Under Attack from Specialized Cyber Criminals

A crafty group of cybercriminals has been relentlessly pursuing Mexican banks, cryptocurrency platforms and other organizations in an extended campaign stretching back over two years. Their weapon of choice? A heavily customized version of the AllaKore remote access trojan (RAT). These threat actors are ruthlessly targeting any large Mexican enterprise they can get their hands on. With a sweet spot for companies pulling in over $100 million in annual revenue, they're not messing around with small fry.