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Understanding the Risks of Prompt Injection Attacks on ChatGPT and Other Language Models

Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have gained significant popularity for their ability to generate human-like conversations and assist users with various tasks. However, with their increasing use, concerns about potential vulnerabilities and security risks have emerged. One such concern is prompt injection attacks, where malicious actors attempt to manipulate the behavior of language models by strategically crafting input prompts.

Breaking the Barrier: Introducing Zero Loss Data Protection by Protecto

For decades, the trade-off between data protection and utility has long been accepted as an inevitable compromise. Protecto, however, is revolutionizing the field by introducing Zero Loss Data Protection, eliminating the need for sacrifices or trade-offs. Discover how Protecto is breaking this barrier, allowing businesses to enjoy robust data protection while maximizing data utility like never before.

Warning: Sharing Data with ChatGPT Can Be Misused Outside Your Organization

A new study found that ChatGPT can accurately recall any sensitive information fed to it as part of a query at a later date without controls in place to protect who can retrieve it. The frenzy to take advantage of ChatGPT and other AI platforms like it has likely caused some to feed it plenty of corporate data in an effort to have the AI process and provide insightful output based on the queries received.

AI and Deep Learning At Work: How to Know If Your Images Are Storing Sensitive Information

In today’s rapidly digitizing world, the importance of data security has become paramount. With the increasing amount of sensitive information being shared and stored online, securing information from cyber attacks, information breaches, and theft has become a top priority for companies of all sizes. Data loss prevention (DLP) is a critical part of the Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE) security platform, providing best-in-class data security to our customers.

Security Obscurity: DNS Tunnelling and CensysGPT

Join Bill Carter and Robin Johns as they talk about the latest and greatest Cybersecurity topics and incidents happening across our digital landscape. In this episode we dive into the concepts and attack vectors of DNS Tunnelling, as well as start exploring the dangerous OSINT tools of Shodan and Censys. Security through obscurity used to be acceptable, but with GPTs and Adversarial GANs appearing - is this still a valid approach?

AI-Assisted Attacks Are Coming to OT and Unmanaged Devices - the Time to Prepare Is Now

Malicious code is not difficult to find these days, even for OT, IoT and other embedded and unmanaged devices. Public exploit proofs-of-concept (PoCs) for IP camera vulnerabilities are routinely used by Chinese APTs, popular building automation devices are targeted by hacktivists and unpatched routers used for Russian espionage.

Introducing Charlotte AI, CrowdStrike's Generative AI Security Analyst: Ushering in the Future of AI-Powered Cybersecurity

CrowdStrike has pioneered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) since we first introduced AI-powered protection to replace signature-based antivirus over 10 years ago, and we’ve continued to deeply integrate it across our platform since. We combine the best in technology with the best of human expertise to protect customers and stop breaches.

Top Tips to Secure Your Organization from Cybercrime in Today's World | ChatGPT

In this informative video, we share our expert advice on how organizations can effectively safeguard themselves from the ever-present threat of cybercrime in today's world. By following these top tips, you can enhance your organization's cybersecurity posture and protect your valuable assets.