Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2022

TOP 10 IT Trends

Observability has gained a lot of momentum in the past year, be it full stack observability or data observability. Modern complex IT systems using clouds, microservices and serverless are easy to develop and deploy but extremely difficult to observe. These systems generate tremendous amounts of data and need an automated way of handling the volume. The next era of delivering customer experience is underpinned by the full stack observability capability.

MSP: What role does AI play in cybersecurity?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in cybersecurity. This is confirmed by a recent Pulse survey of 191 senior executives from companies on four continents: two out of three organizations (68%) say they are using tools that use AI technologies and among those who are not yet using AI, 67% are considering adopting it.