Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

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JUMPSEC works on a prototype lightweight anomaly detection system

Deploying machine learning models in the cyber security industry is complicated - especially with budget and technology limitations. Especially when it comes to anomaly detection, there's been much debate over privacy, balance, budget, robustness, cloud security and reliable implementation. For cyber security companies using machine learning technologies, ensuring clients' safety with trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) must always be the primary objective.

OpenAI (ChatGPT) Vulnerability Remediation Concept Work

Kondukto integrates with OpenAI and gets vulnerability remediation advice for all your security testing results on this concept work. OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory that surprised the world with ChatGPT. It was founded in San Francisco in late 2015 by Sam Altman and Elon Musk, and many others. ChatGPT grabbed 1M people's attention in the first six days, and unbelievable AI & Human conversations screenshots are still getting shared.