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CIO POV: Rethinking Data Security Post-Snowflake Customer Attacks

Watching the recent Snowflake customer attacks unfold felt a bit like rewatching a horror movie with predictable attack sequences and missed opportunities to run to safety. But this time, the ending was far more devasting. More than 100 organizations were exposed, and many are now grappling with the impacts of data theft and extortion in what some are calling one of the largest breaches in history.

The Challenges of Full Network Visibility and How a Network Digital Twin Can Help

In today’s complex IT environments, maintaining full network visibility is a daunting task. Network segmentation, while essential for security, often complicates the process of obtaining a comprehensive view of the entire network infrastructure. Federal IT departments charged with the responsibility of keeping networks mission-ready, face significant hurdles in visualizing connectivity, ensuring security zone segmentation, and performing complete path searches across segmented domains.

How to Improve Compliance with Multilingual Cybersecurity Resource

Cybersecurity matters a lot today, and it touches everyone around the globe. With hackers becoming smarter, protecting information has never been more critical. Now, imagine trying to stay safe online but not understanding the warnings because they’re not in your language. That’s where multilingual cybersecurity comes into play – it breaks down language barriers so everyone can understand how to protect themselves.

Fortressing the Legal Frontier: Why SASE is Essential for Law Firms in the Age of Cyber Warfare

Guest blog by Jaye Tillson, Field CTO, Distinguished Technologist, HPE Aruba Networking The legal profession has long been a custodian for a significant of sensitive data. From mergers and acquisitions to intellectual property disputes, law firms hold the keys to a kingdom of confidential client information. However, in the digital age, this crown jewel has become a prime target for cybercriminals.

Crypto Exchange Bybit Integrates Fireblocks Off Exchange

Fireblocks Off Exchange enables businesses across the world to trade on centralized exchanges without introducing counterparty risk. Today, we’re proud to share that Bybit is the newest exchange to integrate with Off Exchange. Bybit, a crypto exchange ranked the second-largest in the world, joins Deribit, with further integrations to follow. These include BIT, Bitget, Coinhako,, One Trading, and OKX.

One platform, complete protection: why data security is moving on from point solutions

As the world enters the AI Era, CISOs and CIOs are looking at data security with renewed interest and urgency. Instead of multiple overlapping yet disconnected tools, it’s time for one unified platform to trace and secure data wherever it goes.

What is Hashing and How Does It Work in Cyber Security?

Hashing transforms a key or set of characters into a unique value from the original input, all for cybersecurity data validation and integrity checking. Hashing is a one-way process based on creating a value to associate with a specific data set. Security solutions providers like IDStrong use the highest level of hashing and encryption to protect their users' information. Organizations like IDStrong understand how critical safeguarding their consumer’s credentials is.

No summer scares: 5 tips on how to keep your business cybersecure

Guiding employees' digital behaviors is key to avoiding potential cybersecurity breaches. However, remote work during summer weeks may disrupt normal routines and change the location of digital assets, leaving companies open to vulnerabilities. According to our latest Internet Security Report, malware detections on endpoints increased by more than 75% during the first months of the year.

Australian Cyber Security Strategy for Hardening

Australia aims to be the world leader in cyber security by 2030 using the Australian Cyber Security Strategy that was released on 22 November 2023. With the cost of cybercrime on Australian businesses growing by up to 14% per annum, the Cyber Security Strategy seeks to improve cyber security, manage cyber risks and better support citizens and Australian businesses to manage their cyber environment by using six cyber shields and actions to be taken.