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The CIA Triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

The confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad is a critical concept in cybersecurity, including three fundamental principles that help protect information. Organizations seeking a starting point for developing an information security framework would benefit from the triad model.

Nightfall AI vs. Google DLP

In today’s cloud-based work environments, it’s all too easy for assets with sensitive data like PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and intellectual property (IP) to be sprawled across the enterprise tech stack. With the skyrocketing costs of data breaches, one sprawled secret can cost organizations an average of $4.45 million. This is where Data Leak Prevention (DLP) solutions come in to limit secret sprawl, prevent data leaks, and ensure continuous compliance with leading standards.

Savvy Security: Unpacking key SASE vendor selection criteria

Many companies are stepping up their security measures to protect against cyber risks associated with the increasing use of cloud services and remote work. As a result, the global deployment of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is on the rise. According to the 2024 Gartner CIO and Technology Executive Survey, 39% of respondents have already deployed SASE or plan to do so within the next 24 months.

10 Dimensions of Python Static Analysis

Python static analysis, also known as "linting", is a crucial aspect of software development. It involves inspecting your Python code without running it to identify potential bugs, programming errors, stylistic issues, or non-adhering patterns to predefined coding standards. It also helps identify vulnerabilities early in the development process, reducing the chances of deploying insecure code into production.

Looking for a Job in Cyber? Tips and Advice From the Pros

A career in cybersecurity can be rewarding, challenging, and, frankly, lucrative. But it's not the easiest industry to break into: the skills required for a cybersecurity role are both niche and specific, the bar for entry is relatively high, and there are very few entry-level jobs available. But don't be disheartened. The cybersecurity industry is crying out for fresh talent. With hard work, a little luck, and the right advice, you can set yourself up for a long and satisfying career in cybersecurity.

Crypto Exchange Bybit Integrates Fireblocks Off Exchange

Fireblocks Off Exchange enables businesses across the world to trade on centralized exchanges without introducing counterparty risk. Today, we’re proud to share that Bybit is the newest exchange to integrate with Off Exchange. Bybit, a crypto exchange ranked the second-largest in the world, joins Deribit, with further integrations to follow. These include BIT, Bitget, Coinhako,, One Trading, and OKX.

WatchGuard Wins 2024 ChannelVision Visionary Spotlight Award

We’re excited to share that ChannelVision Magazine has recognized WatchGuard Technologies with a 2024 Visionary Spotlight Award for Cybersecurity in the program’s Business Technology category! The annual award program honors top industry players that have significantly advanced their channel and technological investments over the last year.

No summer scares: 5 tips on how to keep your business cybersecure

Guiding employees' digital behaviors is key to avoiding potential cybersecurity breaches. However, remote work during summer weeks may disrupt normal routines and change the location of digital assets, leaving companies open to vulnerabilities. According to our latest Internet Security Report, malware detections on endpoints increased by more than 75% during the first months of the year.

CIO POV: Rethinking Data Security Post-Snowflake Customer Attacks

Watching the recent Snowflake customer attacks unfold felt a bit like rewatching a horror movie with predictable attack sequences and missed opportunities to run to safety. But this time, the ending was far more devasting. More than 100 organizations were exposed, and many are now grappling with the impacts of data theft and extortion in what some are calling one of the largest breaches in history.

What is Hashing and How Does It Work in Cyber Security?

Hashing transforms a key or set of characters into a unique value from the original input, all for cybersecurity data validation and integrity checking. Hashing is a one-way process based on creating a value to associate with a specific data set. Security solutions providers like IDStrong use the highest level of hashing and encryption to protect their users' information. Organizations like IDStrong understand how critical safeguarding their consumer’s credentials is.