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Rising Threat: How Encoded URLs are Evading Secure Email Gateways

In a concerning trend observed recently, threat actors are increasingly leveraging encoded URLs to bypass secure email gateways (SEGs), posing a significant challenge to email security defenses. According to recent findings by Cofense, there has been a notable uptick in attacks where threat actors manipulate SEGs to encode or rewrite malicious URLs embedded in emails. This tactic exploits vulnerabilities in SEG technologies, allowing malicious links to slip through undetected to unsuspecting recipients.

How to Create a Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan: Guide for 2024

Few organizations know how to handle a cybersecurity incident properly and minimize its impact on the business. Having a well-designed incident response plan (IRP) in place can save your organization time and resources spent on incident remediation. We can help you build an efficient IRP. Read this post and create an IRP that fits your organization’s needs using the best practices from the NIST incident response planning framework.

Pyramid Scheme: What Is it and How Does It Work?

Pyramid schemes are one of the world's most well-known forms of financial fraud. For many years, they have victimized people who trust the promises of quickly making easy and significant profits. The frightening thing about these schemes is that they are built on a "business model" doomed to collapse. It is essential to understand what principles the pyramid operates in to be able to reveal and then avoid involvement in such a scam.

How State and Local Governments Can Stay Safe From Cyber Attacks

Cyber threats are increasing and, unfortunately, local and state government entities have become top targets. In 2023, the FBI reported that government entities were the third most-targeted sector by ransomware, and Arctic Wolf’s own research saw the average ransom for government organizations top $1 million USD. And that’s just one kind of cyber attack.

A Practical Guide for Implementing and Managing Remote Access Solutions

Not long ago, remote access was reserved for a select few, such as traveling salespeople and senior executives. Today, it has become ubiquitous. Indeed, users across many roles and functions in the modern office now routinely connect to the corporate network from off-site locations and work with resources as if they were connected to the local network. However, allowing users to access corporate resources remotely introduces security risks, so robust management is vital.

Advanced Vulnerability Assessments: Beyond Penetration Testing

Sensitive information must be protected from constantly evolving cyber threats in the digital age. For companies of all sizes, this is an imperative and not just a desirable objective. A sound, proactive approach to cybersecurity involves "stress-testing" an organization's defenses to see where they can be penetrated-by whom, and using what techniques.