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DevSecOps Tools for Cybersecurity Success

With DevSecOps, cybersecurity has become integrated into every phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). DevSecOps tools work across development, security, and operations siloes and enable these teams to work collaboratively, ensuring security vulnerabilities are addressed early and efficiently, reducing risks before they reach production.

LOTL Attacks-The Silent Saboteurs in Your Systems

Living Off the Land (LOTL) cyber attacks have become a major headache for cybersecurity professionals. These insidious attacks are getting more sophisticated and widespread, posing serious risks to businesses and even national security. Unlike traditional malware-based attacks, LOTL techniques exploit the very tools and processes that organizations rely on for their daily operations.

8 Obstacles to Effective Remediation Plan Execution

We’ve all seen it happen: you create a solid remediation plan, map out the misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, and develop a plan to fix them, but when it comes time to execute, things start to fall apart. Why do remediation plans fail even when they seem solid on paper? The truth is, it’s often not the plan itself, but how it’s executed. Let’s break down the common obstacles that cause remediation efforts to go wrong and what you can do to avoid them.

Navigating the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle Efficiently

Efficiently managing cyber security exposures and vulnerabilities is critical to keeping an organization’s most valuable assets secure. With cyber threats growing in complexity and volume, security teams are constantly challenged to manage an increasing workload while keeping risks at bay. Streamlining the vulnerability management lifecycle has never been more important.

Enhanced Threat Exposure Management with Seemplicity and OX Security

Managing vulnerabilities across multiple domains, and especially application security, is a challenging task for enterprise organizations. Security teams often find themselves grappling with fragmented tools and data, leading to inefficiencies and potential blind spots. Seemplicity’s recent integration with Ox Security addresses this issue directly, offering a unified approach to vulnerability management that bridges the gap between security, development, and operations teams.

Lost in Translation: Vulnerability Management Communication Gaps

Vulnerability management is absolutely critical to protecting an organization’s IT and cloud infrastructure, systems, or applications from incoming threats. The ability to remediate the most relevant vulnerabilities quickly is the only way to keep your perimeter safe. Yet, security teams struggle with managing vulnerabilities. Why? At the core lies a fundamental communication and collaboration problem.

Building a Remediation Plan? How to Overcome the Top 5 Challenges

Building an effective remediation plan is crucial for enhancing security posture, ensuring compliance and minimizing operational risks. Modern attack surfaces with their ever-growing volume of vulnerabilities have only compounded pressures on remediation planning. Yet vulnerability and exposure management teams frequently encounter obstacles that slow down remediation planning, leading to increased risk exposure and potential regulatory penalties.