By 2025, there will be 55.7 billion connected IoT devices (or “things”), generating almost 80B zettabytes (ZB) of data. These are just some of the statistics that underscore enormous opportunity in IoT—and the enormous security risks all those IoT devices create.
Kubecon EU returned to Spain. This time to Valencia, city of paella and horchata and, of course, a great place for big events. We had a great time meeting you all in person, and attending the talks. Here are our hot takes from the event. The main event started on Wednesday, but before that different co-located events took place: Ebpf Day, Cloud Native SecurityCon, and PrometheusDay among others. These events gathered a large number of attendees.
On May 27, 2022, the nao_sec independent security research group shared a VirusTotal link to a weaponized Microsoft Office document revealing a previously unknown vulnerability in the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT). This vulnerability is most likely to be exploited via phishing lure attachments and is triggered when a document is opened.
Supercharging CrowdStrike’s artificial intelligence requires both human professionals and the right technologies to deliver blisteringly fast and accurate machine learning model training with a small footprint on the CrowdStrike Falcon® sensor. CrowdStrike data scientists continuously explore theoretical and applied machine learning research to advance and set the industry standard in protecting customers from sophisticated threats and adversaries.
Everyone is at risk of a data breach or cyber attack, no matter how small or large a company is. Hackers and cybercriminals come up with new ways every day to steal sensitive information or personal data that they can potentially sell or ransom for money. According to a report published by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a record number of 1862 data breaches occurred in 2021 in the US.