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How to use Atomic Red Team to test Falco rules in K8s

The best way to know if something works is to try it out. Ensuring that your security products are actually working is a fundamental task of routine maintenance. This is why it is so useful to use tools like Atomic Red Team that generate suspicious events based on ATT&CK techniques and see how Falco triggers alerts. In this blog, we will cover how to install and run the Atomic Red Team environment on a Kubernetes system for testing Falco rules.

The Right Foundational Technology Makes a "Hybrid Flexible" Workplace Possible

Two years ago, the world shut down. We all lived through the start of the pandemic, when the world’s white-collar workforce was sent home en masse. Remote work became the only option for employees in many positions across many companies. This working environment was isolating, and staff required entirely new workflows just to keep business processes functional—but we survived it.

What Does Defense-in-depth Mean and How Does it Bring Infrastructure and Data Security Together?

With the rise of ransomware and cyber attacks, the term defense-in-depth has risen to the forefront, but what exactly does it mean? At its core, defense-in-depth is a protection mechanism for network security–an approach that involves layering or using multiple controls in series to protect against possible threats. This layered concept provides multiple redundancies in the event systems and data are compromised.

Understanding your deployment options: Cloud, self-hosted, and the Tines Tunnel

One of the biggest decisions a rapidly evolving organization has to make when it comes to its IT infrastructure is whether to move to the cloud. At Tines, we love the cloud but understand that different security systems and environments require different deployment options. Some organizations need extra guardrails in place to access and manage their systems and data.

Identifying and Avoiding Malicious Packages

Securing your software supply chain is absolutely critical as attackers are getting more sophisticated in their ability to infect software at all stages of the development lifecycle. This webinar will be a technical showcase of the different types of malicious packages that are prevalent today in the PyPI (Python) and npm (Node.js) package repositories. All examples shown in the webinar will be based on real data and malicious packages that were identified and disclosed by the JFrog security research team.

Real world use cases for NDR in the Cloud

As we’ve learned from events like Sunburst and Log4Shell, network telemetry provides essential evidence for catching threats that other tools miss. Watch Senior Director of Product - Cloud Security - Vijit Nair dive into real world use cases from the research team at Corelight -- the creators and maintainers of Zeek. You'll learn how the collection and analysis of cloud network traffic leads to better threat detection and faster response.

Top 10 CI/CD Automation Tools

Software teams have focused on agility since the world embraced Mark Zuckerberg’s motto to “move fast and break things.” But many still lack the confidence or tooling to accelerate their processes. What’s more: in the race to release more, ship faster, and prioritize speed, many have neglected thoughtfulness and security – with Facebook itself becoming the poster child of data misuse.

Naming Adversaries and Why It Matters to Your Security Team

What is it with these funny adversary names such as FANCY BEAR, WIZARD SPIDER and DEADEYE JACKAL? You read about them in the media and see them on CrowdStrike T-shirts and referenced by MITRE in the ATT&CK framework. Why are they so important to cyber defenders? How is an adversary born? You may think you have a problem with ransomware, bots or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks but you would be wrong. Because humans are behind every cyberattack, what you really have is an adversary problem.

CVE-2022-30190 - Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) Remote Code Execution Zero-Day Vulnerability in Windows

On Friday, May 27, 2022, Security vendor nao_sec identified a malicious document leveraging a zero-day remote code execution RCE vulnerability (CVE-2022-30190) in Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT). The actively exploited vulnerability exists when MSDT is called using the URL protocol from a calling application, such as Microsoft Word.