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How Hardening is reflected in the different NIST Standards

NIST stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST was founded in 1901 and is a part of the U.S Department of Commerce. It is one of the oldest physical science laboratories in the US and was formed to remove challenges related to industrial competitiveness.

NIST Cyber Security Framework - 5 Core Functions Infographic

Some standards, guidelines, and best practices to meet the industrial, public, and federal agencies’ needs in Cybersecurity are developed by NIST. The cybersecurity framework by NIST has an outcome-based approach and this set it to be applied in any sector and on any size of business. There are three basic pillars of the NIST cybersecurity framework, namely; The framework core has five major functions.

How to Decrypt Ransomware (with 100% Free Tools)

‍Ransomware attacks are dominating news headlines, with ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operators actively seeking to exploit network vulnerabilities and infect unsuspecting victims. The healthcare sector and financial industry are especially vulnerable to ransomware attacks, as they store valuable personally identifiable data (PII) which can be misused to carry out lucrative crimes, like identity theft and fraud.

The role of the DPO just got bigger and more powerful

Traditionally, we find the DPO (Data Protection Officer) in large and very large enterprises. Small and Medium-sized businesses most probably do not have a DPO. But that is going to change now. Why? After nearly two years of deliberations, the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) finally chaired the Personal Data Protection (PDP) bill, 2019 in the Indian Parliament. This bill will ultimately pave way for the strongest data protection law in the world’s largest democracy.

Automated Developer-First Security: Our Partnership with Snyk

Today’s developers move at increasingly rapid speed – making it more critical than ever to identify and resolve code vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. By tackling security early – instead of waiting until testing and deployment – engineering teams can reduce unnecessary patching and maintenance cycles, reduce risks, and ensure timely delivery of new features.

Nightfall and Cribl Partner to Enable Data Loss Prevention in Observability Platforms

We’re excited to announce Nightfall’s partnership with Cribl, the high scale, data processing and observability platform. Cribl’s platform gives companies greater value out of their data by serving as the core plumbing connecting all of your data platforms, allowing users to set up workflows and extract essential data for processing, analysis, or storage.

Cyber risk score: Learn how to quantify your organization's cyber resilience

Imaging you’re applying for a loan. One of the important criteria required to obtain approval is the credit score. The higher the credit score, the higher your chances for getting a loan. Similarly, imagine you’re selling a product on a website. Potential buyers judge the quality of your product based on the reviews or ratings it has received from other customers. The higher the ratings, the higher the chances people will buy your products or services.

Penetration Testing To Prevent API Attack

This blog describes the attack path we have uncovered during a recent penetration test of a web application, coupled with a back-end infrastructure assessment. Throughout we introduce different attack techniques and tools that can be used to attack the underlying infrastructure and APIs of a web application.

7 Ways to Secure Sensitive Data on a USB Flash Drive

Over 20 years ago, USB flash drives, also known as thumb drives, were regarded as a breakthrough in portable data storage technology. Today, they are seen as a major security risk. If you must use a USB flash drive for data storage, there are ways to improve your data security. Read on to learn how to secure your thumb drive. If you’re aware of sensitive data and its storage requirements, skip ahead to our top 7 tips for securing your USB flash drive.