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User Office Hours: Building secure application in VS Code with Snyk

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. The Snyk integration for VS Code can help you create secure applications from the beginning. Join us to learn more about Snyk VS Code capabilities. During this session, we’ll take a look at: Throughout the session you can ask us anything! Bring all of your Snyk questions and we’ll do our very best to answer them.

CMMC & FedRAMP: FIPS Certified vs. Compliant vs. Validated

The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-3 (2019) is “applicable to all federal agencies that use cryptographic-based security systems… and shall be used in designing and implementing cryptographic modules that federal departments and agencies operate or are operated for them under contract.” In other words, any organization that stores, processes, or transmits certain government information must do so in a way that conforms to the FIPS standard.

Ransomware: 2023's top attacks and need-to-know stats

As we navigate through 2023, ransomware attacks continue to grow in scale and sophistication. This year has already witnessed an alarming number of high-profile incidents (at the time of writing), meaning ransomware attacks remain one of the most significant cybersecurity threats organizations face.

How To Send A Secure Email In Outlook

Sensitive data leaks are too common in the headlines these days, and there is no need to waste space explaining why it is essential to secure your sensitive information. Secure encryption is one such method to ensure your email messages are encrypted to be read-only by the intended recipients. Sending an encrypted email message is the need of the hour for business or professional practice and Outlook encryption is the best possible solution available in the market.

Best practices for implementing the 5 most challenging technologies in cybersecurity

Technology plays a fundamental role in the transformation process that companies have embraced in recent years. However, tech decision-makers have some reservations about adopting the latest technologies to avoid putting corporate security at risk. These are the findings of the Pulse survey of 150 technology leaders, in which 65% say they will avoid implementing AI, Hybrid Cloud, Edge Computing, 5G and Container Security because of the complexity required to implement them securely.

ICS Security in Healthcare: Why Software Vulnerabilities Pose a Threat to Patient Safety

The lack of healthcare cybersecurity is one of the most significant threats to the sanctity of the global healthcare industry. This is made evident by the fact that in 2020 more than 18 million patient records were affected by successful cyber-attacks on the U.S. healthcare system. Health professionals should not take this issue lightly, as financial assets and intellectual property are at risk.

Protecting Against Bad Chemistry (with Cybersecurity)

Do you recall one of the first really fun chemistry experiment you performed as a child? If your school followed the usual curriculum, then you probably made a model volcano and then added some baking soda to the opening, followed by the addition of vinegar. A variation of this experiment was to add the ingredients to a plastic bottle, then stretch a balloon over the mouth of the bottle to watch the balloon inflate with carbon dioxide gas.