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7 Steps to ensure compliance with the CJIS security policy

A high-profile case hangs in the balance. Suddenly, court systems are paralyzed. Evidence is locked away, replaced by a ransom demand. Every law enforcement agency’s nightmare is alarmingly common – 96% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the past year, according to Cisco’s 2023 report. Exposed API keys, forgotten cloud configurations, outdated systems – these seemingly small vulnerabilities are the entry points relentless cybercriminals exploit.

What does IAM PassRole do and How to Set it Up

95% of cloud security fails are due to internal slip-ups. One wrong password, one sloppy permission, and your sensitive data are out in the open. Thankfully, AWS gives you tools to fight back. IAM lets you control who does what, down to the finest detail. And IAM PassRole? It prevents sneaky permission grabs that put your data at risk.

What is SSPM and do you need it in your stack?

SaaS adoption has skyrocketed, offering organizations undeniable advantages. But beneath the surface lurk overlooked configuration errors. Misconfigured SaaS settings create security gaps. Broad permissions, weak defaults, and forgotten accounts jeopardize your security. These issues act as open doors for breaches and unauthorized access. The sheer scale of the problem is staggering – 70% of company software now resides in the cloud.

What is the Dirty COW exploit, and how to prevent it

Dirty COW, a seemingly light-hearted name, masks a severe Linux privilege escalation issue. This bug has affected many older Linux systems, which is concerning given that 41% of web servers run on Linux. Despite widespread patches in distributions like Ubuntu and Red Hat, Dirty COW remains a threat, particularly to outdated systems. As a significant security flaw, it poses risks to various devices and servers even in 2024.

5 Steps to Building a Robust Cyber Resilience Framework

The reality of cybersecurity is simple – breaches will occur – and reactivity will always be the losing strategy. Having a cyber resilience framework shifts the focus from preventing attacks to ensuring readiness, mitigating impact, and driving a swift return to operations. With the average data breach costing millions – like it or not – cyber resilience is no longer optional. But how do we translate ‘cyber resilience’ into actionable steps? It starts with a framework.

Top 10 Linux Vulnerability Scanners for 2024

As you step into 2024, do you have absolute confidence in the security of your Linux systems? The stakes have never been higher, and the risk landscape for Linux is constantly shifting – which presents an ongoing challenge to your system’s security. In 2023 alone, 282 Linux-specific vulnerabilities were added to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog by CISA. Employing an advanced vulnerability scanner is the next step to protecting your systems from these and other potential risks.

7 Smart Steps to Run Serverless Containers on Kubernetes

Serverless containers mark a notable evolution from traditional containerization. Traditional containers, being continuously active, can lead to resource wastage. Serverless containers, however, are ephemeral and operate on-demand. For developers, this means less time spent on server management and more on coding. Kubernetes, or K8s, stands out in automating, scaling, and managing these containerized applications.

The Essential Guide to Data Monitoring

In a world where data is the new currency, understanding and leveraging data monitoring has become indispensable. Data monitoring involves systematically collecting, analyzing, and managing data to uphold its quality, security, and compliance—a critical process in a world where data influences every decision and innovation.

What is the DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)?

High-velocity software development today is close to impossible (and most certainly not sustainable) without DevOps. The migration to the public cloud, along with increasing regulatory demands, and other factors made application and code security as vital as DevOps. Thus were born the practices and frameworks of DevSecOps. The value of DevSecOps is evident and clearly understood by technologists.

7 DevSecOps Principals Every Developer Must Know

DevSecOps – for many, it feels like a magical black box where code and sensitive digital assets go in one end, and a working piece of software comes out the other. Security practices within the development and operational phases can often get lost. Organizations that haven’t adopted DevSecOps see half of their apps at risk of attacks, while those with a DevSecOps-first approach have only 22% at risk. That’s why the core principles of DevSecOps are important.