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Software Supply Chain Security at RSA Conference 2023

The risk of supply chain attacks increases as more companies rely on third-party vendors and suppliers for critical services and products. Supply chain attacks have become increasingly prominent in recent years. In 2022, for instance, supply chain attacks surpassed the number of malware-based attacks by 40%.

Under the Wing: Protecting Small Businesses Against Big Attacks

70% of all cyberattacks target small to midsize businesses. Adversaries know that most small businesses don’t have the time, tools or staff to go head to head against today’s threats. In this episode, learn how fast, simple and affordable it can be to protect your business.

11:11 Systems' CTO shares insight into Oakland's ransomware attack

The city of Oakland was victim of a ransomware attack, gaining access to city services, employee information, payroll, and more. TVU Fox 2 interviewed Justin Giardina, Chief Technical Officer of 11:11 Systems, and asked him to share insight into the cybersecurity situation.

How Social Engineers Collect Data to Build an Attack

Social engineers may not appear to be sophisticated, but they often methodically research and collect data on their targets. Don't fall for their tricks. In this video, learn how social engineers gather information, how they can impersonate you, and tips for how to stay safe from their tactics. Learn more about how to engage and prepare employees to recognize and neutralize social engineering attacks with Arctic Wolf's Managed Security Awareness.

How Many Cyber Attacks Per Day: The Latest Stats and Impacts in 2023

As we gear up to enter the new financial year, one thing is for sure: cyberattacks per day continue to pose a major threat to businesses of all sizes. With the rise of IoT attacks and the low prosecution rate of cybercriminals, it’s no wonder that companies are spending billions to protect themselves.

Small business cyber attack statistics including surprises for 2023

A cyber attack or data breach is a threat to every business. Still, it can be more devastating for small businesses as they face numerous challenges, including cash inflow, competition, employee retention, limited funding, supply chain and other business problems simultaneously, making it difficult for them to survive.

Microsoft warns accounting firms of targeted attacks as Tax Day approaches

Accountants are being warned to be on their guard from malicious hackers, as cybercriminals exploit the rush to prepare tax returns for clients before the deadline of US Tax Day. US Tax Day, which falls on Tuesday April 18 this year, is the day on which income tax returns for individuals are due to be submitted to the government. Inevitably it's a busy time for accounting firms and bookkeepers who are feverishly collecting necessary documents from their clients.

Healthcare Cyber Attack Statistics

As technology has advanced and the world has become more interconnected, the threat of cyber-attacks has become a significant concern for businesses, smaller healthcare organisations, governments, civil rights and individuals alike. While cyber-attacks can target any sector, healthcare organisations have become an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals in recent years.

Key Takeaways from S&P Global Market Intelligence Discovery Report: The Impact of Continuous Security Validation

In late 2022, SafeBreach commissioned S&P Global Market Intelligence to conduct a research project surveying 400 highly qualified security practitioners across the United States and Europe. The goal was to understand respondents’ biggest security challenges, the level of adoption and maturity of the continuous security validation (CSV) tools they use to address those challenges, and the business outcomes they achieved.