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February 2024

When 200 OK Is Not OK - Unveiling the Risks of Web Responses In API Calls

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, where the battle between defenders and hackers continues to escalate, it is crucial to scrutinize every aspect of web interactions. While the HTTP status code 200 OK is generally associated with successful API calls, there’s a dark side to its seemingly harmless appearance that often goes unnoticed.

Common Amazon Scams To Avoid

Amazon provides users a convenient way to shop online, making it one of the most popular online retailers. However, its popularity has made it a prime hub for online scams. Scammers often impersonate an Amazon representative or legitimate seller to trick users into giving up their personal information. Some common Amazon scams you need to avoid are fraudulent sellers, off-platform payments, phishing messages about your Amazon account and fake Amazon job offers.

Bankers Life-Retirement Solutions Provider-Faces Member Data Breach

Bankers Life and Casualty Company (Bankers) is a nationwide retirement solutions provider. Their services assist members in maintaining and stretching their retirement income, paying for health and treatment programs, finding excellent retirement care, and assisting families with final expenses. There are over 3,800 Bankers agents throughout the US, with most states having one or more physical branches.

What is the Benefit of Including Security with Your Observability Strategy?

Observability strategies are needed to ensure stable and performant applications, especially when complex distributed environments back them. Large volumes of observability data are collected to support automatic insights into these areas of applications. Logs, metrics, and traces are the three pillars of observability that feed these insights. Security data is often isolated instead of combined with data collected by existing observability tools.

Splunk Enterprise affected by CVE-2023-40598

This is an overview of the CVE-2023-40598 vulnerability, which affects Splunk Enterprise versions below 8.2.12, 9.0.6, and 9.1.1. We will explain the nature of the vulnerability, how it can be exploited, and how it can be fixed. We will also provide code examples, links to web pages with valuable information, and tips on how to prevent similar vulnerabilities in the future.

Emergency Response: Navigating Through the Ivanti VPN Crisis Together

Legacy VPNs have become a significant security liability for businesses and governments. VPNs require inbound access to corporate networks, significantly broadening the attack surface for malware. This makes them prime targets for threat actors, increasing the risk of disruption to your business.

New Phishing-As-A-Service Kit with Ability to Bypass MFA Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts

A phishing-as-a-service platform called “Greatness” is facilitating phishing attacks against Microsoft 365 accounts, according to researchers at Sucuri. “Greatness operates as a Phishing as a Service (PhaaS) platform, providing a number of features and components for bad actors to conduct their phishing attacks against Microsoft 365 accounts,” the researchers write. “URLScan results show thousands of affected pages related to this kit.

Fake "I Can't Believe He's Gone" Posts Seek to Steal Facebook Credentials

A new scam relies on a victim's sense of curiosity, brand impersonation, and the hopes of a new login to compromise Facebook credentials. We’ve all seen one of those posts on social media about some actor, musician or famous person that has passed away. Feeling a sense of sadness and wanting to know more details, these posts garner a lot of attention.

Cybersecurity in the Age of Regulation - Sysdig

Cybersecurity breaches are becoming more frequent and more impactful. Adversaries continue to grow stronger, and defenders aren’t always keeping pace. On July 26th, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued new regulations on cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident disclosure, leaving many companies concerned about how to ensure compliance with these new rules, and what changes they may need to make to get up to speed.

Cloudflare breach - How the Okta attack led to Cloudflare systems getting hacked: Breach Breakdown

In this video, we drill down into the recent breach of Cloudflare systems including how attackers were able to use stolen credentials from the Okta attack to move laterally and hack the Cloudflare internal Atlassian server. The security incident shows the dangers of secrets sprawl not only in internal systems but also in the supply chain leading to potential data leaks.