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February 2024

Trustwave SpiderLabs Uncovers Ov3r_Stealer Malware Spread via Phishing and Facebook Advertising

During an Advanced Continual Threat Hunt (ACTH) investigation that took place in early December 2023, Trustwave SpiderLabs discovered Ov3r_Stealer, an infostealer distributed using Facebook advertising and phishing emails. SpiderLabs’ “Facebook Advertising Spreads Novel Malware Variant,” is an in-depth dive into Ov3r_Stealer, exposing what the Threat Hunt team learned about the threat actors, their techniques, tactics, and procedures and how the malware functions.

Another Year of RATs and Trojan Stealer: Detection Commonalities and Summary

In 2023, Remote Access Trojans (RATs) and Trojan Stealers were some of the most prevalent types of malware in the cybersecurity landscape. RATs and Trojan Stealer malware represent significant cybersecurity threats, as they’re often employed to conduct espionage, surveillance, and data theft, which emphasizes the critical need for robust defenses.

DDoS Attacks: What You Need To Know

In the intricate web of digital security threats, one particularly disruptive technique stands out: the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. This form of cyber assault involves numerous compromised systems, often referred to as bots or zombies, which are used to overwhelm a target website with an avalanche of requests. The result? Legitimate users find themselves unable to access the site, leading to significant operational disruptions.

Orthopaedic Surgeon Group Breached by Vendor Cyberattack; 307k Exposed

Des Moines Orthopaedic Surgeons, P.C. (DMOS) has three clinics throughout Iowa’s capital; they offer comprehensive solutions for ortho-care, from joints to extremities and MRI imaging to outpatient surgery. DMOS utilizes a variety of third-party vendors to serve their patients and the surrounding regions; almost a year ago, DMOS experienced a cybersecurity event through one of these vendors. The unauthorized actors broke into their system and compromised the information of 307,864 individuals.

EP 45 - OT Security's Digital Makeover

In this episode of Trust Issues, the conversation revolves around the challenges and transformations in operational technology (OT) security. Guest Mike Holcomb, the Fellow of Cybersecurity and the ICS/OT Cybersecurity Lead at Fluor shares insights with host David Puner on securing legacy systems, the impact of generative AI – and the evolving threat landscape.

What is IaC? Infrastructure as code explained in 60 seconds

IaC or infrastructure as code is the codifying of our infrastructure. it takes the manual tasks that a sys admin would have done and it makes it repeatable and scalable. IaC can be declarative or descriptive and uses lots of different tools like Terraform Ansible and Puppet to name a few. This video explains what IaC is and how it works in 60 seconds.

Redefining PAM to Secure OT and IoT Devices

Left to their own devices, your organization’s devices can be a significant source of risk. Consider operational technology (OT), which is crucial for organizations but is not engineered and operated with a security-first mindset. Often, OT systems are beyond the purview of CISOs and are focused on meeting key objectives for system uptime and efficiency – leaving them vulnerable.

Secure Spatial Computing With Keeper and Apple Vision Pro

The launch of the Apple Vision Pro has brought a new era to computing along with an exciting and fresh approach to how people interact with technology and the world around them. Keeper® is excited to be a part of this by providing a seamless, secure and encrypted login experience through our Apple Vision Pro-compatible app.

How Do You Use a Passkey?

To use a passkey on an online account or application, you first need to generate the passkey using your device or password manager. Once your passkey is generated, you can use it to sign in to the online account or application it’s for without having to enter a password. Continue reading to learn more about how to start using passkeys and why you should use them over passwords.

Synthetic Data: The New Frontier in Cyber Extortion

Organizations are increasingly facing cyber attacks resulting in data breaches, and part of their post-incident responsibilities includes adhering to mandatory reporting requirements. Notably, the infamous BlackCat ransomware group has been exploiting these requirements for their benefit. They apply pressure on victims by threatening to inform the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about the company's supposed failure to report significant data breaches.