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Business Logic Vulnerability - Examples and Attack Prevention

Breaking into an organisation’s IT infra doesn’t always require complex methods. Hackers often exploit normal applications and API functions in unexpected ways to access sensitive data. For example, the 2019 Venmo breach involved the exploitation of an open API to scrape millions of payment records. A design oversight in the API allowed attackers to exploit its normal functions in an unintended manner—scraping payment records without proper authorization.

Areas Where Smart Elderly Care Solutions Are Making an Impact

Smart elderly care solutions have revolutionized how we support and care for older adults in today's digital world. These technologies combine the power of computers, sensors, and the internet to make life easier and safer for seniors. From wearable devices that track health to smart home systems that help with daily tasks, these innovations are changing what it means to age. They allow older adults to stay independent longer, while giving their families peace of mind.

Strategies for Increasing AI Efficiency - Insights from the Cisco Research Efficient AI Summit

As AI models become more accurate, they are becoming much larger, requiring a significant amount of computing power to run. How can we make the future of AI more scalable and sustainable? Cisco Research hosted a virtual summit on efficient AI, bringing together researchers to explore efficient AI challenges and discuss opportunities for solving those challenges now and into the future. The Cisco Research team has been working on efficient AI initiatives for several years, contributing research papers and incorporating their work into an open-source project called ModelSmith.

The Hidden Dangers and Opportunities of Generative AI: What Enterprises Need to Know

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, generative AI (genAI) has seen rapid enterprise adoption. According to researchers in the Netskope Threat Labs, as of June 2024, an astonishing 96% of organizations are using various types of genAI apps. This widespread adoption is transforming how businesses operate, but with great power comes great responsibility—and risk.

Building Graph API Custom Plugins for Copilot for Security

As we explored the capabilities of Copilot for Security, we discovered that while the native plugins offer access to a vast array of data, they didn't cover everything we needed for some of our specific use cases and promptbooks. For instance, we wanted detailed insights into Conditional Access policies from Entra ID, Intune policies, Secure Score, and more. Although Microsoft continues to enhance the native plugins by adding new skills, we opted to develop our own custom plugins.

Making WAF ML models go brrr: saving decades of processing time

We made our WAF Machine Learning models 5.5x faster, reducing execution time by approximately 82%, from 1519 to 275 microseconds! Read on to find out how we achieved this remarkable improvement. WAF Attack Score is Cloudflare's machine learning (ML)-powered layer built on top of our Web Application Firewall (WAF). Its goal is to complement the WAF and detect attack bypasses that we haven't encountered before.

Why SMEs Have 9x as Many Suppliers as Employees

Think about all the vendors your company pays for. How many do you think there are? Out of those, how many do you think it actually uses? Spendesk examined this question in over 5,000 small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.K., France, Germany, and Spain. The results were surprising. The study found that the average SME has 800 suppliers. That’s nine times the average SME headcount. What’s more, SMEs are only using about a quarter of them.

How To Check Your iPhone for Viruses

You can check your iPhone for viruses by checking for unfamiliar apps, seeing if your data usage has spiked, seeing an unusual number of pop-up ads and noticing if specific apps are draining your battery. A virus is a type of malicious software that can infect any device, like your iPhone, and then replicate itself on your device’s programs or files.