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Acorn Labs on GPTScript and AI

Shannon Williams and Darren Shepherd discuss their new open source solution called, GPTScript and how the exciting world of AI is evolving. Outshift is Cisco’s incubation engine, innovating what's next and new for Cisco products and sharing our expertise on emerging technologies. Discover the latest on cloud native applications, cloud application security, generative AI, quantum networking and security, future-forward tech research, our latest open source projects and more.

10 Types of Vendor Related Risk Cloud Native Organizations Need to Manage

If you are a developer in the current cybersecurity climate, you already know your application’s security is paramount. But have you considered the risks associated with your vendors? With over 50% of new applications developed in the coming years being Cloud-Native, vendor-related cyber security risks are a growing concern. Cloud-native organizations must consider all vendors during risk assessment. Today, you rely on countless vendors, some of whom are unknown to IT.

Zero-Day Marketplace Explained: How Zerodium, BugTraq, and Fear contributed to the Rise of the Zero-Day Vulnerability Black Market

Whenever a company is notified about or discovers a critical flaw in their system/application that has the potential to be exploited by malicious elements, it’s termed a vulnerability. However, every time a flaw being actively exploited is discovered, code red is punched as the organization’s IT team officially has a Zero-Day vulnerability/exploit on their hands! A zero-day vulnerability is a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before the vendor has become aware of it.

The State of SME IT in the U.S.

The United States has faced some significant economic headwinds and shifts in the last few years. Even the geographical spread of wealth in the U.S. economy has shifted considerably since the pandemic. Now, an already struggling economy is forecast to continue to slow. What does this mean for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.S.? In a recent survey, JumpCloud asked this question to over 300 IT professionals working at SMEs in the U.S. Read on to learn the results.

Another API Security Breach: Life360

Another day, another API breach in the news. The latest breach occurred on the Life360 platform where an advisory was able to gleam 400k user phone numbers, based on the article written on Known only by their 'emo' handle, they said the unsecured API endpoint used to steal the data provided an easy way to verify each impacted user's email address, name, and phone number.