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Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Age of AI: Tips for Using ChatGPT and Similar Generative AI Tools

Learn key strategies for protecting sensitive data when using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. Discover best practices for compliance, access control, and system updates to ensure data security.

Outpost24 Launches AI Domain Discovery in External Attack Surface Management

Outpost24 is pleased to announce the integration of a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant into its Exposure Management Platform. This groundbreaking AI Domain Discovery feature enables Outpost24 customers to effortlessly identify domains belonging to their organization, significantly improving the speed and accuracy of domain ownership and classification.

PII vs. SPI: Key Differences and Their Importance

Personal Information (PI) encompasses any data that can identify an individual, either directly or indirectly. This includes basic information such as names and addresses. It also includes more specific details like Social Security Numbers (SSN) and biometric data. Understanding the difference between Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) is crucial for effective data protection.

Acorn Labs on GPTScript and AI

Shannon Williams and Darren Shepherd discuss their new open source solution called, GPTScript and how the exciting world of AI is evolving. Outshift is Cisco’s incubation engine, innovating what's next and new for Cisco products and sharing our expertise on emerging technologies. Discover the latest on cloud native applications, cloud application security, generative AI, quantum networking and security, future-forward tech research, our latest open source projects and more.

What is API Security for Mobile Apps? Why Is It Important?

Businesses have gone mobile-first, and with good reason—people are spending more time and more money on their phones than ever before. For instance, in 2023, an estimated 66% or 2/3rds of all online orders were made from mobile devices. And in 2024, businesses are expected to spend $402 billion on mobile advertising. Mobile apps have become the first choice for users for their online activities in banking, e-commerce, media streaming, social media, etc.

IoT: Internet of Threats?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has slowly but surely weaved its way into our homes and places of work. From smart homes to industrial control systems, IoT has brought convenience and efficiency to our lives. However, with this increased connectivity we have increased our risk. The IoT Attack Surface IoT devices are often designed with functionality in mind, rather than security. This means that many devices have weak or default passwords, unpatched vulnerabilities, and insecure communication protocols.

Over 1 Million websites are at risk of sensitive information leakage - XSS is dead. Long live XSS

Cross-site scripting (aka XSS) has rightfully claimed its place as one of the most popular web vulnerabilities. Since its first emergence, somewhere in the dark days of the internet, countless vulnerabilities have been found across websites everywhere. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that XSS has been consistently highlighted as a top risk in the OWASP TOP-10 since the list's very first iteration in 2004!