Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


AI based Data Extraction : Mastering the Art of Data Extraction

With the speed of technological advancements, one term is ubiquitous, Artificial Intelligence. Across various fields, AI is changing how we look at current technologies. One technology transformed with the implementation of AI is OCR, Optical Character Recognition. OCR can process images of text and convert them into a machine-readable format. It can take handwriting and printed documents and convert them into a digital format.

Rapidly evolving IoT malware EnemyBot now targeting Content Management System servers and Android devices

AT&T Alien Labs™ has been tracking a new IoT botnet dubbed “EnemyBot”, which is believed to be distributed by threat actor Keksec. During our investigations, Alien Labs has discovered that EnemyBot is expanding its capabilities, exploiting recently identified vulnerabilities (2022), and now targeting IoT devices, web servers, Android devices and content management system (CMS) servers.

Cybersecurity Compliance and Regulations in South Africa: What Businesses Need to Know

With the Internet's widespread growth, South Africa has become quite dependent on it for economic affairs. This sharing of self-generated data is a boon to all business transactions and even social interactions. The increased dependence on the digital world raises significant concerns about cyber security. Cybercrime is a global problem that has affected South Africa, both in the private sector and in government.

Mend Explainer

Mend, formerly known as WhiteSource, effortlessly secures what developers create. Mend uniquely removes the burden of application security, allowing development teams to deliver quality, secure code, faster. With a proven track record of successfully meeting complex and large-scale application security needs, the world’s most demanding software developers rely on Mend. The company has more than 1,000 customers, including 25 percent of the Fortune 100, and manages Renovate, the open source automated dependency update project.

Pyrsia: Open Source Software that Helps Protect the Open Source Supply Chain

Stephen Chin is no stranger to having big ideas and implementing them to help the developer community. In the last twenty years he’s been involved in building open source IDEs, bootstrapping rich client libraries, maintaining JVM languages, and cultivating relationships with developers that do the same.

A Problem Like API Security: How Attackers Hack Authentication

There is a sight gag that has been used in a number of movies and TV comedies that involves an apartment building lobby. It shows how people who don’t live there, but who want to get in anyway, such as Girl Guides looking to sell cookies to the tenants – simply run their fingers down every call button on the tenant directory, like a pianist performing a glissando, knowing that at least one of the dozens of apartments being buzzed will let them in simply out of reflex or laziness.

JFrog Connect: Ready for What's Next for DevSecOps, Edge and IoT

Today at swampUP, our annual DevOps conference, JFrog CTO Yoav Landman unveiled the next step toward making the Liquid Software vision of continuous, secure updates a truly universal reality. We’ve introduced JFrog Connect, a new solution designed to help developers update, manage, monitor, and secure remote Linux & Internet of Things (IoT) devices at scale.

Digicel Deploys Enea AdaptiveMobile Security to Protect Mobile Networks in 26 Caribbean and Central American Markets

Enea the world leader in mobile network security, today announced that Digicel Group has deployed Enea AdaptiveMobile Security's comprehensive signaling security solution to protect mobile networks and subscribers in 26 markets across the Caribbean and Central American region.
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How Tech Innovation is Revolutionising Cybersecurity for Law Firms

It is often said that the human factor is the most important part of cybersecurity. In many ways this is true. Cybersecurity tech plays a vital role in everything from blocking dangerous traffic and spotting suspicious activity on an account, to offering the kind of 24/7 surveillance that simply isn't practical (or possible) for humans to carry out themselves. But ultimately, this is only a part of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Measures Every Project Manager Should Know About

Online projects could be easy prey for cybercriminals due to the involvement of critical security information (emails, different platforms' login passwords, bank accounts, etc.) and multiple people. A simple phishing email requesting new login credentials or bank account details could be effective on negligent team members and could put everybody at risk. In other words, any breach of information by a project team member could lead to a disaster for the parties involved.