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Why API Integrations Are Critical for Security Service Edge (SSE) Success

Gartner’s introduction of the Security Service Edge (SSE) Magic Quadrant in February of 2022 has been an impetus for organizations to reassess their cloud access security broker (CASB) solutions. CASB is one of the three core components of SSE and the piece of the puzzle that handles cloud security for SaaS and IaaS applications.

Can SIM Cards Get Hacked?

‍Yes, even basic technology like SIM cards poses the risk of getting hacked. Today, cell phones have almost become tiny supercomputers, so users must learn how to secure their mobile phones. From social engineering scams to SIM hijacking, sensitive data can easily become compromised without adequate cybersecurity awareness. Learn more about why SIM card hacking is on the rise and how you can prevent it from happening.

How we usability test our SaaS product

Usability testing is a method for evaluating your product to see how it performs in real contexts. It helps test user behavior, performance, and satisfaction, while consequently offering opportunities to improve the user experience within the product. Often, in a fast-paced company, user research ends up overlooked because it takes up time and resources. However, all the team's hard work will be wasted if you end up making something that nobody wants to use.

What is DLP (Data Loss Prevention)? - DLP Solutions from Lookout

Data loss prevention (DLP) involves a set of technologies and processes used to discover, monitor and control sensitive data. Why is it so important? Businesses use DLP to prevent data breaches and comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and others. DLP tools allow security staff and network administrators to set business rules that determine what’s sensitive while also providing insight into the use of content within an enterprise.

The main security challenges when adopting cloud services

The popularity of cloud services has increased exponentially in recent years. The prospects of saving on capital and operational expenditures have been significant driving forces in influencing companies to adopt cloud services. Scalability and elasticity are also key drivers that encourage companies to move to the cloud. However, moving to the cloud comes with a lot of challenges. Security is a big concern for organizations that want to migrate to the cloud.

How to Secure Amazon RDS Access With an Identity-Aware Access Proxy

Databases are sensitive resources that need an additional layer of protection and security. Though database servers have built-in authentication and authorization mechanisms, they are not designed for cloud-based, multi-tenant access mechanisms. Managed databases such as Amazon RDS are accessed and administered by different personas with varying levels of access permissions.

ONUG Spring 2022 Session: Verify security posture in hybrid multi-cloud environments

In an era when hybrid multi-cloud environments are the norm, extending the carefully architected network security policies is virtually impossible because IT teams cannot visualize their multi-cloud estate or monitor traffic behavior past the point of egress. Piecing together the cloud security posture requires combining data from multiple siloed applications.

7 Important Things to Include in Your Company Security Policy

We live in risky times. Security incidents and data breaches are more common than ever and digital-minded companies usually bear the brunt of it. Organizations are constantly at risk and can be compromised in no time by ransomware, cyberattacks, social engineering, and corporate espionage. But, in truth, the most common way companies are undermined and infiltrated is through the actions of individual members inside of the organization itself.

Hunting AWS RDS Security Events with Sysdig

The AWS RDS service itself falls on the AWS side of the Shared Responsibility model, but the day-to-day management of the RDS security instances falls on your side. When it comes to shared responsibility, your obligation depends on the AWS services that you deploy, and also other factors including (but not limited to) the sensitivity of your data, your company’s requirements, and applicable laws and regulations.