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Mobile Application Development Checklist: What You Need to Consider

An increase in the usage of the internet has also increased mobile phone usage. Mobile phones have become handy devices that make our life easy. This mobile phone contains various applications used for different purposes from entertainment, games, social media to banking, education, health, etc. Millions of applications are already available in the internet world, so it is not an easy task to develop a successful app.

Improving AWS Security Services with Sysdig Secure

One of the primary goals of information security is to protect data, which of course entails protecting the resources that store and provide access to that data. According to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, organizations need to develop and implement the necessary protections to restrict or mitigate the effect of a possible cybersecurity incident. Security should be integrated right from the source of the cloud architecture design process.

How to access AWS Console using AWS IAM

This blog post explores the traditional authentication and authorization processes to AWS Management Console, and how Teleport can replace them to further secure and audit your Infrastructure Access for AWS. You can access your AWS Management Console through a variety of methods. If a user has AWS Administrator or Root Access, they can see and edit all infrastructure in its entirety. AWS has multiple tools available to mitigate access, but are they enough?

TechAdvice Webinar: API Security Best Practices

API security has emerged as a top priority for protecting vital data and services. Unfortunately, many organizations are just one vulnerable API away from a privacy incident or data breach, and it’s an area where many companies lack expertise. Salt Security has compiled a comprehensive list of API security best practices, drawn from field experience and customer feedback, to help guide your API security journey.

Critical Capabilities for SSE: Securing Cloud Usage When Shadow IT is the Norm

With the release of the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge (SSE) there is an abundance of information on the newest framework created to address security requirements in a cloud-first world. SSE was introduced in 2021 to refine Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) by focusing on the convergence of security capabilities within the framework. Check out my blog breaking down SSE and SASE for a more in depth explanation.

What is SaaS Cloud Security and What Are SaaS Security Best Practices?

Software-as-a-service or SaaS has taken the business world by storm. With enormous benefits and features, it is no surprise that the SaaS industry has increased by 500% over the past seven years only. However, like any other technology, it carries a significant risk of data breaches. Do you know that encryption worries are the biggest SaaS-related security concerns for businesses?

Top 10 Mobile App Security Questions Answered

With the rise of internet penetration and increased mobile usage, the significance of mobile applications has increased multifold. Everything is covered through mobile applications, from mundane day-to-day activities to high-end financial transactions. According to Techjury, there are 10 billion mobile devices currently in use, and a staggering more than 51% of people in the USA spend their time on mobile phones.

JFrog & Industry Leaders Join White House Summit on Open Source Software Security

There’s no question the volume, sophistication and severity of software supply chain attacks has increased in the last year. In recent months the JFrog Security Research team tracked nearly 20 different open source software supply chain attacks – two of which were zero day threats.

How to Secure Mobile Apps: A Complete Checklist for 2022

Full-fledged security is what every one needs! Due to the significant rise in cyber and malware attacks on the different apps, mobile app security is considered a critical component of app development. Therefore, having a highly secured mobile app ensures a hassle-free business operation! Whether your device is for professional or personal use, you need to protect a heap of data that you've stored.