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Sysdig achieves AWS DevSecOps specialization within AWS DevOps Competency

Sysdig is pleased to announce that it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) DevOps Competency for development, security, and operations (DevSecOps). This designation highlights the value provided by the Sysdig platform to AWS customers to achieve their DevSecOps goals. As a key partner for the ecosystem, Sysdig collaborates closely with AWS and its customers to enhance the protection of cloud infrastructure and applications against continuously evolving security threats.

How Cybersecurity Saves Business Time and Money

Cybersecurity is an important issue when it comes to online sales and eCommerce businesses. With cybercrime growing, developing, and profiting off of unsuspecting online users, it's important for you and your employees to take cybersecurity seriously. Here in this post, you will read about cyberattacks, cybercrime, the importance of cybersecurity for your online business, and how cybersecurity saves businesses time and money.

Amazon EC2 Just-in-time Access With Teleport and Slack

This blog is part three in a series about identity-based access and management of AWS resources. In Part I, we covered how to use OSS Teleport to access Amazon EC2 instances running in private subnets. Part II explained implementing identity-based access via SSO integration with Okta. In Part III, we will guide you through the steps to configure privilege escalation for just-in-time access requests.

Automatically Add IP Addresses to a Penalty Box in Cloudflare with Torq

Good security may come from strong defenses, but strong security comes from a good offense. This is especially true for network security, where minutes can make the difference between a breach and a near miss. For example, if an unknown IP address triggers an alert for suspicious or abusive behavior, the faster you can isolate and block that address, the less likely it is that the person or entity at the other end can do damage.

Protect your AWS workloads using Elastic Security

It’s no secret that cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure give teams incredible power and flexibility when it comes to delivering great solutions and user experiences to a global customer base. Leveraging the power of one or more clouds is often seen as a critical competency for an organization to succeed.

Netskope Authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority

As a cybersecurity organization, Netskope has a responsibility to be transparent about security issues reported in Netskope products and services which might have an impact on Netskope customers or partners. To fulfill this responsibility, Netskope has a smooth, transparent, and industry-standard process under our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) to disclose the security issues publicly which are reported in Netskope products from various sources.

Why Security Strategies Should Matter to the CIO

In the face of this constant disruption, CIOs are supporting the addition, amendment, or strengthening of logistics workflows, supply chains, commercial and service delivery models, partnerships, and geographic footprints. In all of these programmes, CIOs often see cybersecurity as a hurdle—one more challenge to navigate in the path to a successful business outcome.

Improving GraphQL security with static analysis and Snyk Code

GraphQL is an API query language developed by Facebook in 2015. Since then, its unique features and capabilities have made it a viable alternative to REST APIs. When it comes to security, GraphQL servers can house several types of misconfigurations that result in data compromise, access control issues, and other high risk vulnerabilities. While security issues with GraphQL are widely known, there’s little information on finding them outside of using dynamic analysis.